by FelliYang
May memory leak in vector<>?
[2 replies] Last: You should consider logging the copy/move constructor/operators. You'... (by kbw)
by Cplusc
[7 replies] Last: Thank you all for your answers (by Cplusc)
by denver2020
Compiler errors in C++ code
[3 replies] Last: Here main() is not allowed to access the protected member data of Som... (by doug4)
by ForgottenLaw
Help in Recursion
[1 reply] : It actually adds the digits. In this example 0 + 0 + 5 + 2 = 7 This ... (by coder777)
by UeleseA
How to use members of class
[13 replies] Last: holy ***** this dude/duddete just saved me I had no idea that float co... (by UeleseA)
by denver2020
c++ output choice
[12 replies] Last: Q3 has usable snippets. just remove the 1) type markers... removing t... (by jonnin)
by GroovyJack
Compiler optimization question
[7 replies] Last: it varies. My complaint is most docs throw the house on you. me: I... (by jonnin)
by ForgottenLaw
Recursive Problem Help
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. I appreciate that. (by ForgottenLaw)
by GroovyJack
Virtual memory paging page replacement?
[2 replies] Last: There's also the concept of LRU (least recently used) when deciding wh... (by seeplus)
by denver2020
C++ Code issue
[9 replies] Last: Add the line virtual ~XXX() = default; in the class XXX declaration.... (by lastchance)
by vidhya5
lvalue rvalue returns.
[3 replies] Last: Thank you... (by vidhya5)
Puzzled by Debug Assertion |
[9 replies] Last: Found it. In several places i intentionally pass RACK by value, which... (by AbstractionAnon)
by GroovyJack
What would be an appropriate application for static partitioning?
[1 reply] : What is your answer and reasoning? (by AbstractionAnon)
by GroovyJack
Scheduling systems: batch vs preemptive
[3 replies] Last: Perfect. (by Duthomhas)
by jessiej6
[2 replies] Last: When you post code, please use code tags and sensible indentation. See... (by keskiverto)
by jessiej6
What does this program do? Can someone kindly shed some light on this for me please.
[no replies]
by jessiej6
What does this program do? Can someone kindly shed some light on this for me please.
[no replies]
by denver2020
template class with .inl logic
[5 replies] Last: Ok understood, thanks to clarify. (by denver2020)
by darkdave
Scripting language for level creation
[6 replies] Last: Lua is good but do you need it? It may be like using a flamethrower to... (by jonnin)
by jreef
Help with nan issue
[10 replies] Last: I suspect you're loop is running multiple times in the same millisecon... (by dhayden)