by prog2222
Compiled files
[3 replies] Last: Thanks everyone! (by prog2222)
by Paul5
Reading from text file and storing data into 2D array
[15 replies] Last: Paul5, PLEASE learn to use code tags, they make reading and commenti... (by George PlusPlus)
by prog2222
Some problem with results
[1 reply] : you asked: Chef has some beans and some jars. How many beans should f... (by jonnin)
by masninoeh
Read Files
[1 reply] : Three times (by salem c)
by masninoeh
Read Files
[1 reply] : (by salem c)
by Morris89
Eclipse thinks __cplusplus is defined for a .c file!!
[1 reply] : Was your use of ".C" deliberate or finger trouble? Because .C (ie, ca... (by salem c)
by JRManx
C++ word library? (1,2,3)
[42 replies] Last: [quote=jonnin]the word [mainframe computer] triggers people like punch... (by JRManx)
Need Help Coding This In C++ |
[9 replies] Last: First, posting with code tags and indentation makes code easier to rea... (by keskiverto)
by jessiej6
Grade System using arrays
[2 replies] Last: There seems to be an issue re storing multiple grades for the differen... (by seeplus)
by KENnIG1591
[3 replies] Last: > Can someone help me with the last part of my code? ¿what's the last... (by ne555)
by Setat
Search a string.
[1 reply] : string has .find() and .replace() ... just call them? if you need to ... (by jonnin)
by Burkyburk
Sample Questions
[4 replies] Last: oh-there it is. thanks bro (by Burkyburk)
by Wali23
Big number subtraction
[1 reply] : did you mean result = (n1 - n2 -carry) % 10 + 10; this is still no... (by jonnin)
by seeplus
[4 replies] Last: I don't think the OP removed their posts. More likely that they got re... (by The Grey Wolf)
by denver2020
Out of Memory/Crash issue
[16 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I will close this thread as solv... (by denver2020)
by dorito200
file input and output for a menu
[3 replies] Last: [quote=dorito200] Hello all, I've run into another issue with my class... (by MikeyBoy)
by denver2020
Array Performance issue
[5 replies] Last: you can probably unroll it to a single loop instead of a nested one an... (by jonnin)
by kxrlxxx
Using Conditional State create a division program
[4 replies] Last: Using Conditional Statement create a program to find if the number i... (by jonnin)
by denver2020
Code Crash Issue
[3 replies] Last: Post real code showing the problem. Not random snippets taken out of ... (by salem c)
by saltyyyyy
Array in class and File operation
[4 replies] Last: and the console is blank, Please help me to find my mistakes, Thi... (by seeplus)