by ocKiNOsIi
[6 replies] Last: As this is clearly a homework, I’m gonna spout some unwanted (and un... (by Duthomhas)
by tapni
[5 replies] Last: Eh, if we’re doing homework, I want in. Multibyte strings just take... (by Duthomhas)
by Kmpck
Gcc compiling when a header has macros
[7 replies] Last: Of course AbstractionAnon, the macro can stand alone in a .h file. My... (by oggin)
by denver2020
Need help with standalone app using VS
[13 replies] Last: I added the SDL DLL's in the same project folder as that of my EXE in... (by George PlusPlus)
by ocKiNOsIi
[4 replies] Last: thank you all (by ocKiNOsIi)
by rjphares
Pulling data from website
[4 replies] Last: Maybe it's that resolver code? Dunno, I don't have easy access to Win... (by kbw)
by tapni
Can't compile the program
[7 replies] Last: @tapni You don't have a base case for the recursion, it needs this t... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ReeseeCup93
Could Someone help. I need to extend my Restauraunt menu to include functions and a do while loop
[7 replies] Last: Now I can see we, we can look at your query. Im having trouble adding... (by kbw)
by novcroschi
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for Furry Guy for this: #include <iostream> #include <cctype... (by AbstractionAnon)
by marhuum
what is option --no-undefined
[1 reply] : Allowing unresolved symbols is a "normal" behavior, where compiled cod... (by mbozzi)
by EmanCS
Reading txt file(different number in each line) and store in a vector
[3 replies] Last: if you did double vector you could keep the file structure, if you car... (by jonnin)
by Satoshi Yoda
Smart assert library
[10 replies] Last: CoreGuidelines: "Scream when you see a macro that isn’t just used fo... (by jonnin)
by Albuquerster
Windown type pane
[1 reply] : What operating system (or window manager if *nix)? Edit: I see from t... (by Ganado)
by Harrison56
Working of std::map<t1, t2>::erase(iterator position)?
[13 replies] Last: @Harrison56, I think the straight answer to your question is that the... (by lastchance)
by Ari Archer
Should I use if statements or a hashmap (std::map / std::unsorted_map)?
[6 replies] Last: One idea I had is to look at how actual open-source projects implement... (by Ganado)
C++ DLL Dependency
[6 replies] Last: until you use some object oriented code :) iostream is 'bloated' bec... (by jonnin)
by ashajohn2021
Why is the random generator not randomly generating a number between 1 and 2
[6 replies] Last: If you only call it one time, how it is going to pick a new number? ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by prog2222
remove goto
[2 replies] Last: @JLBorges Thanks! (by prog2222)
by ocKiNOsIi
vectors and arrays - connect 3 game (1,2,3)
[42 replies] Last: Depends what you mean - both are so close to being the same all it req... (by againtry)
by Rachelll95
Writting in a saved File.
[3 replies] Last: AT - E nd ... it positions the file pointer to the end, but I did no... (by jonnin)