What does this program do? Can someone kindly shed some light on this for me please.

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <random>

#include <array>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

unsigned int rollDice(default_random_engine&); // rolls dice, calculates and displays sum

int main() {

default_random_engine engine{static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))};

enum class Status {CONTINUE, WON, LOST}; // all caps in constants

const size_t SIZE{22};

const unsigned int ROLLS{1000};

Status gameStatus{Status::CONTINUE};

unsigned int myPoint{0};

array< unsigned int, SIZE > wins{};

array< unsigned int, SIZE > losses{};

unsigned int winSum = 0;

unsigned int loseSum = 0;

// play 1000 times

for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= ROLLS; ++i) {

unsigned int sumOfDice{rollDice(engine)};

unsigned int roll{1};

// test if game won or lost on first roll

switch (sumOfDice) {

case 7: case 11:

gameStatus = Status::WON;


case 2: case 3: case 12:

gameStatus = Status::LOST;



gameStatus = Status::CONTINUE;

myPoint = sumOfDice;



// continue while game not won or lost

while (gameStatus == Status::CONTINUE) {

sumOfDice = rollDice(engine);


if (sumOfDice == myPoint) {

gameStatus = Status::WON;


else if (sumOfDice == 7) {

gameStatus = Status::LOST;



// if more then 21 rolls taken, set number of rolls to 21

if (roll > 21) {

roll = 21;


// determine how many rolls were taken and

// increment corresponding counter in either wins or losses array

if (gameStatus == Status::WON) {




else {





cout << "Games won or lost after the 20th roll"

<< "\nare displayed as the 21st roll.\n\n";

// display number of games won and lost for each number of rolls

for (size_t z{1}; z <= 21; ++z) {

cout << setw(3) << wins[z] << " games won and " << setw(3)

<< losses[z] << " games lost on roll " << z << '\n';


// calculate chances of winning

cout << fixed << showpoint << "\nThe chances of winning are " << winSum

<< " / " << winSum + loseSum << " = " << setprecision(2)

<< 100.0 * winSum / (winSum + loseSum) << "%\n";

// calculate and display average length of game

unsigned int length{0};

for (size_t k = 1; k <= 21; ++k) {

length += wins[k] * k + losses[k] * k;


cout << "The average game length is " << setprecision(2)

<< length / 1000.0 << " rolls." << endl;


// function to simulate dice rolling

unsigned int rollDice(default_random_engine& engine) {

uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> randomInt{1, 6};

// pick random die values

unsigned int die1{randomInt(engine)}; // first die roll

unsigned int die2{randomInt(engine)}; // second die roll

return die1 + die2; // return sum of dice

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