by ElusiveTau
Opening Multiple Console Windows One For Each Thread [Windows Programming]
[3 replies] Last: In fact, we don't need named pipes! 😊
Here is a full example that is... (by kigar64551)
by Ch1156
Is this how you do object chaining? [Beginners]
[1 reply] : Yep! This is one among a few ways this technique is implemented in C++... (by ElusiveTau)
by PhysicsIsFun
Pybind11 slows my C++ code substantially [General C++ Programming]
[4 replies] Last: of course it can. you may need to hand wave at byte ordering if you g... (by jonnin)
by PhysicsIsFun
scientific computing - optimize speed [General C++ Programming]
[15 replies] Last: Hi guys,
thanks for your interest and hints that focusing on the algo... (by PhysicsIsFun)
by Jonathan100
stack and heap [Beginners]
[9 replies] Last: What question, exactly? Weren't here plenty of explanations ("solution... (by keskiverto)
by zapshe
AI is something special (1,2,3,4) [Lounge]
[71 replies] Last: HUH? You're not forced to reply either. I just wanted to reach some co... (by zapshe)
by nowy20180820
Programming math - polynomial class [Beginners]
[7 replies] Last: unless you need to do so for a specific reason (such as, compatibility... (by jonnin)
by PhysicsIsFun
Website does not work properly with Linux [Lounge]
[6 replies] Last: Ah, it seems my understanding of the problem is in error.
Sorry. (by Duthomhas)
by zzzhhh
Should the subscript "opt" be dropped in the definition of "array of N T" in the standard? [Beginners]
[3 replies] Last: Hi
Is it because the array bound may be omitted when there are initia... (by TheIdeasMan)
by zzzhhh
Where is const mandated in the Standard when binding an lvalue reference to an rvalue? [Beginners]
[1 reply] : I don't think I've ever actually read the standard in over 30 years of... (by seeplus)