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    Fox-Star Search Fun (1,2)   [Lounge]
    A recent question asked about the A* Search algorithm (https://cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/285875/#msg1243408 [/b]), something I had never messed with, so I de...
    [23 replies] Last: Well, the code provided earlier does compile as-is in the VS IDE -- C ... (by George PlusPlus)
    When does early binding happen?   [General C++ Programming]
    Thing 1: Static binding takes place during compilation - function calls are replaced with an instruction saying "go here for the appropriate function definit...
    [1 reply] : I guess this is what's called "devirtualization" which GCC has optimiz... (by Peter87)
    New Safe C++ Proposal (1,2,3,4)   [Lounge]
    There is now a Safe C++ proposal that extends C++ by defining a superset of the language that can be used to write code with strong safety guarantees. See: htt...
    [63 replies] Last: But C++ is not Rust and, I would argue, has nothing to gain from beco... (by helios)
    Would like some testers please   [General C++ Programming]
    Sorry is this is the wrong forum. If possible I would like someone to try out my program. It works for me but I want to know if it works for other people. ...
    [10 replies] Last: There's a special GitHub repo set up to make it easy to learn how to f... (by George PlusPlus)
    My Shockwave Flash Projector   [Windows Programming]
    Thought I would release my flash projector and compiler :D now open source version released on GitHub, along with a release build Build: Visual Studio 2005 Wi...
    [no replies]
    Lambda Expression: Specifying "this" in the capture clause   [Beginners]
    I'm reading an article on how to use lambda expressions and have some questions: 1. What is meant by "Only variables that are mentioned in the lambda body a...
    [6 replies] Last: @Peter87, I am cognizant of the how and why of the differences in lamb... (by George PlusPlus)
    Calling assembly code from C++   [UNIX/Linux Programming]
    So I've been trying to figure out how I'd write a little function in assembly and then call it from C++, and so far I've been able to call the function and it d...
    [5 replies] Last: True.. having the mistake hold me hostage until 6am in the morning is ... (by highwayman)
    _Safe_add checks for overflow but does not do anything to report the problem!   [General C++ Programming]
    Looking at VC++ source files I find in ratio the following: what is the purpose of _Safe_add_integer_arithmetic_overflow_error? inline void _Safe...
    [5 replies] Last: Neat example, thanks. (by Ganado)
    How to use C++ like modules in Arduino   [Lounge]
    Hello everyone, I recently came across this thread on How to use modules in C++[/b] posted on the forum by @[quote]frek[/quote] dated June 7, 2022. Please, ...
    [9 replies] Last: I think current Arduino complier does support standard C++14 and C++1... (by George PlusPlus)
    WinForms Resources, Moved Files   [Windows Programming]
    I'm working on a WinForms CLR project and I'm using VS 2022. All was well until I created new folders and moved files - everything was in the base project folde...
    [8 replies] Last: If you use source control[/quote] Not everyone uses that, I know for ... (by George PlusPlus)