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by salem c
C++ Ide for Helicopter Game
Your choice of IDE is entirely a matter of personal choice, and has no bearing on the outcome of the project. If you can't finish the program, it won't be becau... |
Nov 24, 2021 at 5:35am
[5 replies] Last: OP is a copy/paste spambot pushing some "interview" website. Original ... (by salem c)
array |
28 1 expected unqualified-id before '{' token May I ask what is wrong? if I remove the ; more errors happen, but if (;) stayed, that error above shows. tha... |
Nov 24, 2021 at 2:12am
[1 reply] : Line 27 should not have a semicolon. Line 32 should be: for (int a... (by AbstractionAnon)
by ashajohn2021
I am getting an exception when I run this code. It built successfully.
I am getting an exception when I run this code. It built successfully. I think the exception is occuring during the execution of the void showgameboard functi... |
Nov 23, 2021 at 6:17pm
[2 replies] Last: These errors are easier to spot when you give your variables more mean... (by thmm)
array |
ld returned 1 exit status .cpp:(.text+0x21): undefined reference to `fill_array(int*, int, int&)' is this because I forgot ;? [my code] #include<ios... |
Nov 23, 2021 at 11:36am
[3 replies] Last: thank you so much for the reply! (by beginnerzzzzz)
find cycle in array |
if i have an array of 8 integers every element in any index point to the next index like if we have 2 in index 0 so it point to index 2 cycle defined here to ... |
Nov 23, 2021 at 11:36am
[3 replies] Last: From a starting position, follow the chain until you either come back ... (by seeplus)
by dorito200
Sort an array in pairs????
Hey yall, So for class, I got a new assignment and cannot figure it out for the life of me. The assignment is to write a function to sort an array of numbers... |
Nov 21, 2021 at 8:26pm
[6 replies] Last: ah, OK. I realised that part, that it was a hack & only usable on a f... (by jonnin)
by seeplus
Hi. As a C++ beginner, have a look at this web site if you don't know of it already. https://www.learncpp.com/ |
Nov 21, 2021 at 1:38pm
[no replies]
by ForgottenLaw
Alignment in an Array Problem
I have a problem in picking the show item list. How can I align the inputs on the table and what kind of condition can I do to only out out "no records found" w... |
Nov 21, 2021 at 4:59am
[4 replies] Last: Okay bro, thanks for the information you gave to me. I hope I'll do th... (by ForgottenLaw)
by DeathHourbg
C++ Program help
I have a task to write a program in C ++ with the following condition: To write a program for obtaining all natural numbers not exceeding a given n, which repre... |
Nov 20, 2021 at 5:32pm
[17 replies] Last: Heh, it’s a fun homework prompt. I did my version using a recursive ... (by Duthomhas)
by DeathHourbg
C++ Function f(x)
I have a task to write a program in C ++ with the following condition: To write a program 0 ,at x <=0 f(x) = x , at 0 < x <=1 x^4 ,at x ... |
Nov 20, 2021 at 4:01pm
[4 replies] Last: Despite the title, he/she isn't writing a function. Which was part of ... (by lastchance)
by QuanTFlow
Need help
Write a program that takes a 3x3 matrix as input and asks for a number entered and prints out its position in the matrix. It displays not found if the number is... |
Nov 20, 2021 at 2:32pm
[2 replies] Last: QuanTFlow (1) Write a program that takes a 3x3 matrix as input and as... (by jonnin)
by Nazuki
Void Function
I declared a void function but when I tried to call it inside a switch statement it would not show up. Does anybody know what mistake I did? I only want to figu... |
Nov 20, 2021 at 7:24am
[1 reply] : line 58: The problem is your case label, not your function call. Your... (by AbstractionAnon)
by fsonnichsen
condensing similar overloaded functions
Is there a nice way to reduce the pseudo code below into just one function? This code must be very fast (we are using SIMD, intrinsics, multi-core etc). Righ... |
Nov 20, 2021 at 12:52am
[10 replies] Last: less than 1% - an overloaded address-of operator #include <iostream... (by JLBorges)
by RyanPaul87
Query re. unresolved external symbols / multiple .h .cpp files and classes (1,2)
I've been looking at a command design pattern to go in my portfolio, and have gotten a little stuck when implementing my own variation. It started when I want... |
Nov 19, 2021 at 10:45pm
[20 replies] Last: Just wanted to say thanks again. (by RyanPaul87)
by Cplusc
reading text file with unknown column size
Hello everyone. I wrote a code to read a txt file with specified number of column into a vector of vector. This text file has two part, the first part starts an... |
Nov 19, 2021 at 9:53am
[9 replies] Last: The format is .txt (by Cplusc)
by bhanu80427
How to kill a detached thread
Hi, I am hardware verification engineer and we are using C++ for our Verification env. I am facing an issue, where I am running a background thread (detache... |
Nov 19, 2021 at 4:21am
[2 replies] Last: sometimes, its OK to just kill stuff via the OS rather than fuss over ... (by jonnin)
by denver2020
VS2019 linker error using SDL library (1,2)
Hi All I'm trying to use SDL 1.2 library. I'm using Visual Studio 2019 with v142 compiler.I have linked to SDL.lib and SDLmain.lib in Linker -> Input -> Add... |
Nov 18, 2021 at 8:38pm
[26 replies] Last: LNK2001 is gone, after I CHANGED FROM (Multi-threaded DLL(/MD)) TO C... (by denver2020)
by ForgottenLaw
Press any Key or Enter to Continue or Press N to stop Problem
Hello. I have a concern in the code below. The program should continue whatever keys I entered or whenever I press the Enter key and the character 'N' should en... |
Nov 18, 2021 at 3:57pm
[3 replies] Last: The implicit tip here is that you should enable compiler warnings. Se... (by Ganado)
by themts
forward declaration of template class not working with msvc but gcc
Hey guys, I wrote a lib that needs to run under linux and windows. In linux I'm compiling with GCC and in windows I'm using msvc2017. In my library-header I h... |
Nov 17, 2021 at 4:45pm
[17 replies] Last: That's kind of the point of templates. They are not exported they are... (by mbozzi)
by Hawlong
GetModuleInfo Function
Please any example to use this function MODULEINFO GetModuleInfo(char * szModule) { MODULEINFO modinfo = {0}; HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle (szModule); if... |
Nov 17, 2021 at 9:27am
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much , but if i change "kernel32.dll" to game name got err... (by Hawlong)