what concept should I write in C++20 to make sure a template parameter is the instantiation of a template class C
[no replies]
by salem c
Double Linked List, Swaping Nodes
[1 reply] : Writing some code as debugging scaffold would help. Use it to dump in... (by JLBorges)
by RoboDo
Execute List of Arbitrary Methods from Arbitrary Objects
[10 replies] Last: > is there isn't a way to store or pass a member function pointer gene... (by JLBorges)
by frek
C++ basic multithreading
[10 replies] Last: > Do translation units use storage areas (apart from their static vari... (by JLBorges)
by ahicks217
Currency Conversion Calculator
[no replies]
by atiger
split vector and store words
[2 replies] Last: The main issue is what constitutes a 'word'. Is dog the same as Dog t... (by seeplus)
by pokemon629
some struct problem
[5 replies] Last: ok i will try, thanks! (by pokemon629)
math & printif |
[8 replies] Last: As an aside, I ran into an math expression evaluator library: https://... (by kbw)
by Cambalinho
Math: how rotate a 3D point? (1,2)
[37 replies] Last: i need understand, on rotation or perspective: why i get several whole... (by Cambalinho)
Power & sigma |
[5 replies] Last: Many of these summations have a direct equation that gives the answer ... (by jonnin)
by frek
Getting started learning C++ network programming
[2 replies] Last: There's several books available on Asio C++ programming. Just search A... (by seeplus)
by pierreforget
better code with cout
[1 reply] : The first thing would be to show decently formatted code. If you want ... (by salem c)
by thugsy
How do I safely make a thread with a loop that awaits input?
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <functional> #include ... (by JLBorges)
by momin128
Build a tree
[1 reply] : That's called a self balancing tree . Look up the algorithm and get ... (by kbw)
by ForgottenLaw
Manipulating a String by Reversing the Word Order Help
[3 replies] Last: Reversing the word order is just one step more: find where the words... (by Duthomhas)
by leo2008
coin smallest
[14 replies] Last: I was checking with some random test case here, but it seems there is ... (by leo2008)
by isv
How to pause and unpause my console on the desired key
[1 reply] : you can't stop the program AND also have it respond to input. howeve... (by jonnin)
by hirotwo
Simplifying Radicals Program (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: ... and the 'moral of the story' is of course to get your algorithm de... (by seeplus)
by jetm0t0
Reading numbers from a date
[4 replies] Last: For entering time/date, there's also std::get_time manipulator where t... (by seeplus)
by RicoJ
Why does std::declval<int&>() returns lvalue reference?
[4 replies] Last: Scott Myers has a whole section on reference collapsing in his book "E... (by seeplus)