Windows Programming - October 2011 (Page 4)

by vivmen
problem with SQLBindParameter
i am trying to insert some data in to MS SQL database but it fails. the problem here is size 500,if i remove 500 & put length of my buffer SQLBindParameter ret...
[3 replies] Last: well problem is solved call SQLDescribeParam before binding parameter (by vivmen)
a windows application got blue screen
we got an old windows application which calls a dll which intermittently got blue screen. since I can't replicate the problem, I am tyring to identify some susp...
[3 replies] Last: thanks William and Web it is very hard to post my code.. I am still t... (by henry1999sg)
Pthread and recursive errors
Hi! I'm building a program for a linux arm-powered robot... and I have some difficulty with my program. The robot support phread librairy and the thread i...
[4 replies] Last: ****SOLVED***** ***Look at EDIT 2! ******** For one, I didn't that... (by Layfon Weller)
by vijkrr
How to get process status
Hi currently in my system thread A is starting 5 process and keeps monitoring the status of the process. To check the process is running or not, u...
[1 reply] : Use the GetExitCodeProcess() function. (by webJose)
Win32 Console Application - Help With Math
Hello, I'm currently working on a NFL Game Predictor. I thought it was a pretty cool idea for a beginner.... Anyways, I'm kind of a noob and would really appre...
[3 replies] Last: I posted it here originally but nobody answered, figured it was the wr... (by Matz0rz)
SQLCHAR* and const char (1,2,3,4,5,6)
I'm getting this error on this line.... 5 IntelliSense: a value of type "const char *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "SQLCHAR *" SQLCHAR* q...
[104 replies] Last: Okay, I got your original code working by removing the spaces. ... (by freddie1)
DLL question
First off thanks for a great site, it's normally my 1st point of call when I am looking for info :) I have been using VS2008 Pro for a while & recently insta...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for clearing that up, I thought I had better check 1st before m... (by fuzzy70)
Copying to Clipboard
Hello! I want to copy something to the clipboard. I have a simple function that does this for me, but unfortunately it crashes if what is inputted (in the strin...
[3 replies] Last: Careful! The MSDN entry for OpenClipboard states that If an applica... (by andywestken)
Help me to write the exp function
e x =1+(x/1!)+(2/2!)+ (x m /100!)
[no replies]
about Boost tregex
hi All, I meet a question as below: #include <iostream> #include <atlstr.h> #include "msxml.h" #include <utility> #include <boost/regex/mfc.hpp...
[3 replies] Last: Yes , I am using MSVC 2010 , but i met the question , after I tested ,... (by misserwell)
by vijkrr
rename of file
Hi, I've opened a file using open(); now after writing few lines i need to take a backup without closing the handle. How to do that? Basically I've ...
[4 replies] Last: Actually this is my real scenario 1. open a file 2. write the info... (by vijkrr)
Simple game in win32
I am new to win32 programing and I am trying to write a simple game in which there are fifteen rectangles on the screen and the user can take up to three away h...
[6 replies] Last: ya realy! its help me also (by Dinesh subedi)
by buggys
SQL ODBC tutorial
Hi there, i'm just wondering if somebody could point me to a good tutorial for this combination with c++, the sql website tutorials are a hard for me to foll...
[5 replies] Last: I just checked out what I did in that code I posted, and I see I just ... (by freddie1)
How do I call ACPI control methods on Windows?
I'm getting tired of waiting for HP to fix the switchable graphics driver for my laptop, but I think I can switch GPUs myself by calling ACPI methods. The switc...
[1 reply] : One of us seems to be very confused. Switching a GPU is handeled by ei... (by Computergeek01)
Win API based Custom Control in a DLL
Hi! I have don this thing before using VC++ and MFC. But my new owner :) don't want to use VC++. So I decided to port the whole thing to Win API. Generally t...
[8 replies] Last: I have used the userdata field with SetWindowLong() and because I use ... (by RawBits)
help please
Hi All, I have the following code where Viusal Studio is returning with syntax error while with Borland C++ i can compile it. Value=::Value1=Value1; ::M...
[9 replies] Last: Well, if you are using Classes and are changing the class's members, u... (by S G H)
Library Link error2019 Unresolved external symbol
Hi, I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 10 and I am getting this error... 3>libtivodecode.lib(tivodecoder.obj) : warning LNK4075: ignoring '/EDITANDCONTINU...
[2 replies] Last: I myself prefer #pragma statement too, don't care if is only supported... (by modoran)
Linking issue, I think
I was upgrading my calculator program, and I made a header called Interface.h that handled interaction with the user, so that most of the calculator program wou...
[6 replies] Last: It worked, thanks! (by scrat101)
install/setup wizard for custom exe programs (from site or cd-rom)
Whenever you download a setup exe from online or insert a cd rom containing the software it always has an install or setup wizard that allows you to choose what...
[3 replies] Last: InnoSetup creates just once exe file, no matter how many files it cont... (by modoran)
WinAPI keyboard focus
Hi, guys. I'm making a very simple level editor for my game and I've got a problem. How can I set keyboard focus to one window and do not lose it when I click t...
[2 replies] Last: This is what I have: BOOL MainDialog_OnCommand(HWND hWnd, WORD wCom... (by Moarthenfeeling)
October 2011 Pages: 123456... 8
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