Windows Programming - October 2011 (Page 2)

C++ Builder (v3.00) new component
Hi everybody. I'd like to "edit" the appearance of the standard BUTTON (Tbutton class, I suppose) but I don't know how to inherit everything of it and just cha...
[no replies]
Play AUDIO files (mp3,midi,wav)
Hi everybody, I'd like to make a program to play/record sounds... The format I absolutely want to play are wav and midi (because I know there are some functio...
[8 replies] Last: OkOk I see... Ok thank you...really! (by ZioCain)
Visual Studio Error
Getting Error: Expression must have a (pointer-to-) function type. Its in the last function. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks so much, that really help (by ant1989)
Graphics.h problem....
I am unable to write text using outtext or outtextxy while I am using putpixel function.....the text does not get displayed...please help asap....
[no replies]
by Rudy13
compiling error please help
//it does not even give me an error to fix please help #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: What's wrong with installing XCode? XCode's clang-ripoff should be abl... (by Albatross)
Errors after running NeHe Lesson 2
Compiler: VC++ '08 OS: Windows 7 Starter Edition I have installed all the miscellaneous header files into their proper places (I specify that because it gav...
[1 reply] : Have you tried these? MessageBoxW(NULL, L"Hello World!", L"Hello Wo... (by TheMassiveChipmunk)
by fkrafi
Compile C++ using cmd
I can compile following code using "cl A.cpp" but i want to compile with an input file and generate output file A.out.. is there any why to do that from cm...
[1 reply] : Are you wanting to run the app after it is compiled using file as... (by ixuta)
Compiling Help.
Hello, I am using Codeblocks 10.05 on W7 32 bit, and every time I compile, I get Linking console executable: bin\Debug\Actual Entity .exe c:/program files/cod...
[no replies]
file recovery
hey, I've been wondering, how do file recovery programs work? Once a file is deleted, the reference to it is simply deleted and the actual data is still there....
[3 replies] Last: Probably won't find many people willing to point you in the right dire... (by ProgrammingNoob)
by gh24
Getting Separate Vectors from txt File
Hi Guys, I am struggling a lot at this point and could really use some help. I have the following code that works with getting data from a text file and sto...
[1 reply] : You need to: 1. Read the number of lines 2. For each line: 2a: Read th... (by kbw)
Sending Emails
For those of you trying to send me emails, instead of using this venue, go to my website and click on the "Contact" button --
[no replies]
Simple MFC user input.
Hello, I'm creating a very simple GUI for a little project. Basically, I'd like to be able to change parameters without having to edit code, compile and run....
[5 replies] Last: Now that's really easy. With the resource editor you can create the me... (by coder777)
by ToniAz
Cutting down on executable size (1,2)
Hello Everyone! I am doing a simple program on downloading files to PC. I'm not using cURL or something like that (because of poor lack of documentation), in...
[20 replies] Last: @freddie1, Yeah, the examples I've seen on WININET involved those f... (by ToniAz)
by Nybble
DialogBox "the right way"?
So here is my dilemma... int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { MainHinst = hInstance; HWND hD...
[4 replies] Last: Ok thanks for clearing that up bro. (by Nybble)
Got blue page as ZwQuerySystemInformation hooked (SSDT Hooking)
Hi guys I've written a program which was described at Rootkit: Subverting ...... to hide a process like calc.exe but whenever I try to open task manager to see...
[no replies]
PostMessage seems not working
I want to change SendMessage to PostMessage in a C++ application. but I never receive a message by using the PostMessage. below is the code. 1.create a thre...
[1 reply] : You many threading issues. I'm not sure what the context is. You may... (by kbw)
WaitForMultipleObjects acting strange
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've written any code, so I'm sorry if it's messy. I'm trying to write some functions that will type text to the consol...
[1 reply] : OK, I got it. I wasn't aware that ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT was on by defaul... (by Branflakes91093)
Passing A Variable To SQL
I have a variable that is an IP address. It is saved as text in my Access 2010 database. I am trying to run this query with ipSrc and the query always fails. My...
[16 replies] Last: Most definitely these threads have helped me. freddie1 got me kickstar... (by Lamblion)
SFML Help.
I am new to GUI's, and I heard that SFML would be a great starter. After a while of struggling to link the libraries (not the problem), I finally got it to work...
[3 replies] Last: That's quite an outdated tutorial. I suggest you use SFML 2.0 at this ... (by anonymous23323124)
devenv command line build question
Hello all, I am currently using a script to build my project, the script is something like devenv.exe mySolution.sln /Rebuild "Release|Win32" /Project "m...
[1 reply] : It doesn't appear that DevEnv supports this functionality. I only h... (by andywestken)
October 2011 Pages: 1234... 8
  Archived months: [sep2011] [nov2011]

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