Windows Programming - October 2011 (Page 3)

my question is regarding the max_size of a vector (not the capacity of a vector!). the myvector.max_size() gives 1073741823 on my pc. suppose i have 2...
[2 replies] Last: if yes, then that means the max no of elements that a vector can have... (by Athar)
by idkid
Storing content of a file in a blob (oracle database)
Hi, I wish to store in a database(oracle) the xml file content in a blob.Can anybody help me? Thanks.
[no replies]
by fg23
Structuring code for large gui apps
I'm wondering what the people on this board suggest as a good way of structuring code for large gui apps. My current project has a main overlapped window with a...
[3 replies] Last: This is what i'm most interested in now. Could you elaborate on the... (by freddie1)
hi guys, I am learning the <Programming Windows with MFC> , when I skip the Chapter 8- Modaless Dialog , I found when I use the struct RECTPROP , the...
[no replies]
by Seloka
Connecting to a database
Can anyone please tell me all the steps of how can i connect to an SQL database with c++, using the ODBC source connectio? THANKS IN ADVANCE!
[2 replies] Last: OKAY, thanks a lot, so do you have any other information that can help... (by Seloka)
by dugeen
How to start a process and make it 'independent'
Assuming I've got these two facts right :- CreateProcess() starts a process and lets your program continue while it runs, but when your program finishes, the...
[3 replies] Last: Ok thanks. Looks like I need to experiment more with CreateProcess as ... (by dugeen)
Microsoft online certification courses (c++ or unrelated certs)
Anyone got any links to information regarding microsofts different certifications and prices and how to get the study material necessary or take the course onli...
[no replies]
remote execution on domain computer
Hello, I am looking for a simple way through prefferably the windows api, or any other method, to execute code on a remote computer over a network that I have f...
[1 reply] : Well, task scheduler it is then. (by Intrexa)
Creating software
Hi guys, I'm trying to learn how to create a software program for Windows. I would like to know where I need to start to learn everthing I need to know. --...
[3 replies] Last: Of course, if you want your program start with 5 seconds delay use Win... (by modoran)
by homsta
ifstream into a vector
So in a nutshell I need to read from a file a set of data, and I want to put that data into a vector. We had a lab where something similar was done, but I just ...
[1 reply] : see std::copy and std::istream_iterator, and std::back_inserter vect... (by PanGalactic)
Visual Studio Question.
I usually make my programs in CodeBlocks, but now I'm using Visual Studio 2010. While making creating a new project, I see a box on the upper side of the window...
[4 replies] Last: Well not bought . (by closed account 967L1hU5)
SQL Statements Not Executing (1,2,3)
I have code that almost works. The first SQL statement runs and returns the values. The subsequent queries don't run. I am using irect ODBC, Visual Studio 201...
[40 replies] Last: Well, I really appreciate all your hard work, as I have already learne... (by Lamblion)
Drawing a bitmap or icon in a button
I'm trying to draw a icon or a bitmap in a button... I have set BS_OWNERDRAW style to the button and í'm handling WM_DRAWITEM message but a cannot draw icon or...
[12 replies] Last: You have to use YOUR OWN HINSTANCE variable and YOUR OWN HWND vari... (by Lamblion)
How would I create a TCP chat?
Hello, I am wondering how I would make a simple c++ TCP chat with port 2011. Can you give me example codes?
[no replies]
BlockInput() does not work!
#include <winable.h> int main() { BlockInput(true); Sleep(10000); BlockInput(false); } but im still able to use my mouse and keyboard. wat should i do ...
[no replies]
ListBox is cropped by other controls
Hi, I am writing a straight win32 api app. I have a GUI with several controls: EditBox; Button; and a ListBox I show when the user enters appropriate text in t...
[10 replies] Last: I'm not too good with WM_PAINT (I almost never use it), but you might ... (by Lamblion)
Keyboard input too fast
Hello I have been working on a game written in C++ and using Direct3D as its renderer. I tried to use DirectInput for keyboard input but it was a little bit lac...
[no replies]
by giox79
CRT conflict
Good morning I have may be a stupid question, but I'm not sure about a topic. I'm developing an application for Wince 5.0 and I have a project developed in Emb...
[1 reply] : You aren't talking about taking a lib generated against desktop Window... (by freddie1)
atoi Not Compatible
I have an if statement with two SQL types that I am comparing with each other The statement.... if (rowCount3 >= chval1) rowCount3 is an SQLINTEGER ...
[2 replies] Last: You have declared chval1 as a 128 byte array of chars, and so the symb... (by freddie1)
Socket programming in c++
Hi, I am writing my Master Thesis and should make a Socket-programm in c++ on windows. I have to finish this program within 2 weeks but i dont have any idea ...
[7 replies] Last: (by webJose)
October 2011 Pages: 12345... 8
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