Windows Programming - September 2011

by Docido
Should I Use this book?
Hello everyone. I have been learning C++ for a while now and I think I want to start learning how to make a windows program. So my question is wheather or not t...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks a lot everyone :D! I guess I'll be reading this then. Thanks ag... (by Docido)
[WINAPI] Regarding GDI Mapping
This is a snippet of an example in my book. What I don't understand in this code is that the SetWindowOrgEx x value increases positively to the left, why is thi...
[1 reply] : bump (by eNergizer)
by olzi
Community Project - E-mail Client for Windows Taskbar
Hi all, i have only been using this forum form for a few days and i love the community here, they are great and very knowledgeable. if people are interest...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure how useful that would be. I can pretty much do that alrea... (by Athar)
by HenriK
How make C++ programs (command line -related)?
Hello hello! I was just wondering how is it possible to create C++ program that I can run from the command line like this: MyCompiler Hello.program ...
[4 replies] Last: ...also, a variety of options already exist in the standard library to... (by Duthomhas)
by Phiru
Where can I get wmp.h?
I want to test the source blow. However, I entercounted an error code, Can not find "wm...
[1 reply] : Download and install the Windows SDK. (by webJose)
by Phiru
How to capture Audio??
Hi. Im working about capturing audio from Mic. it works when i use only one sound device. However, I have 2 sound devices, so i wanna record all of sounds f...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks EssGeEich. As I found, there is no way to put two files into ... (by Phiru)
by Phiru
I wanna play Video files.
I am using MCI to play video file. It works with *.avi, but doesn't work with *.wmv file. In fact, *.wmv file is sort of played. The window will be stopped...
[no replies]
SQL or Some Database - Brand Newbie
I have never programmed a databse. I want to do a SIMPLE database using ONLY VC++ 2010. I am ASSUMINIG that I should use SQL. If I'm wrong, please correct me. ...
[15 replies] Last: Thanks, freddie1. You've been extremely helpful to me, not only in thi... (by Lamblion)
Count 0 Byte Files
I wnat to count the number of 0 byte files in a directory and if the count is equal to or greater than 1, delete them otherwise do nothing. How can I do this? T...
[4 replies] Last: Is this closer? #include <Shlwapi.h> // for PathAppend() void E... (by DSTR3A)
How can i abbreviate this Windows Form?
reosurce.h: #ifndef RESOURCE_H #define RESOURCE_H #include <windows.h> #define Window LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc char *title; int horizontal,vertical,height,wi...
[4 replies] Last: Try changing from void* to void in the declaration of WindowTitle and ... (by S G H)
by mememe
detetect windows form
is posible to detect if is open a program like notepad? or messenger? who?
[4 replies] Last: I agree, is possilble the OP meant to type "how" but "who" makes this ... (by Computergeek01)
Render targets don't work... (DirectX)
Hi there, I ran into problems in my new project where I want to apply a gaussian blur shader. I've already done it before and it worked perfectly, so I just ...
[1 reply] : Nevermind! I accidentaly figured it out! It looks like the shader text... (by Brejlounek)
Hello World Microsoft visual c++2010 Express
#include "std_lib_facilities.h" int main() { cout<<"Hello,World!!!\n"; return 0; } _______________________________________________________________ Above is th...
[2 replies] Last: WOW, I found where my problem is, thank you very much for your help!!!... (by Qinlang)
mouse event
hi everybody . i have one question : how can i know where does mouse click ? for example if click on myComputer i understand clicked on myComputer ... ? tnx
[9 replies] Last: :)) WindowFromPoint is a very fantastic function tnx :D but doesnt my ... (by ahura24)
All Pipe instances are busy : Error 231
Hi, I got a problem with interprocess communication. I am working on a project using named pipes for Server/Client communication. Server: Creates name...
[4 replies] Last: I vaugley remember reading something like that but I couldn't get it t... (by Computergeek01)
Need help on checkbox issue. (1,2)
hi there guy i need help on creating a button to tick checkbox like a timer. example is there is 3 checkbox. checkbox1, 2 and 3. i check the 1st checkbox, a...
[27 replies] Last: instead of using sendinput, why dont use wm_keydown? (by sky1in5)
Classes and structures.
Hello, I have a class with a structure inside it. I use the structure to create objects that contains coordinates and a HBITMAP which is loaded from the resour...
[5 replies] Last: I solved the problem. I took my structure outside the class and declar... (by Shatronics)
Errors on Finding a File
I'm running this code to find any file that was written to the hard drive recently. However; I've gotten a few errors that I can't seem to lick. Here is the co...
[2 replies] Last: Great! Works most prefectly! Thank you! (by DSTR3A)
GetWindowLong Problem.
I'm writing a wrapper around the Win32 API. I have a class for editing a window, this class has methods for getting/setting the location, text, window styles, ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. (by Gator F)
pointer 2d array to function
Hi everybody ! i want multiplication of two dynamic 2d arrays ,but i don't know how ? plz code is here. # include<iostream> # include<cstdlib> # ...
[1 reply] : You've done pretty good so far. One suggestion I can make quickly is ... (by Michael37)
September 2011 Pages: 123... 6
  Archived months: [aug2011] [oct2011]

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