Windows Programming - October 2011 (Page 8)

by LB
Have my DLL load another DLL that is loaded in the calling process
I have an interesting situation where I have an application X that dynamically loads any DLLs [A, B, C, ...] in a subfolder. Both X and the DLLs need to use the...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry - my brain didn't register the "be the same instance"... Can yo... (by andywestken)
Map Returning Wrong Count
I have this map that was working, maybe not. In any case it's not returning the correct number. Any help is appreiated. Thank you. struct file_data { ...
[5 replies] Last: Problem Solved. GetFileList(L"C:\\Mapper\\*.jpg", map); GetFileL... (by DSTR3A)
Using CreateProcess with multiple argv
I am trying to create a child process by passing in multiple argv. I have parent.exe, child.exe, and a number value. if I use if( !CreateProcess(NU...
[2 replies] Last: you are correct. sorry for the delay. I eventually put the argv1 in ... (by bwquestion)
TCHAR *argv[]
I have a program that launches with the following cmd line. parent.exe child.exe. 7 (Any number can be used) The values are stored in TCHAR *argv I...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. Sorry for the delay. (by bwquestion)
October 2011 Pages: 1... 678
  Archived months: [sep2011] [nov2011]

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