by adam2016
Turing machines
[4 replies] Last: The Halting problem isn't about whether or not the program needs to lo... (by zapshe)
by zapshe
Mobile Site Issue
[2 replies] Last: Ha, I never noticed because I always have it full screen. That's kinda... (by Ganado)
by JLBorges
how i read file word by word
[8 replies] Last: Without using regex and considering - as a splitter char between 2 wor... (by seeplus)
C++ Core Guideline - the Guideline Support Library |
[8 replies] Last: [quote=George P]Someone learning C++ doesn't know the possible risk. ... (by Cubbi)
by seeplus
VS2022 17.2
[16 replies] Last: The intellisense issue with Windows 7 has now been fixed in 17.3.0 Pre... (by seeplus)
Ewwww! |
[10 replies] Last: LOL. Still no flies: (by againtry)
Breaches, Breeches and Britches (1,2) |
[25 replies] Last: teem-team, faze-phase, time-thyme, hire-higher, maw-moor-more, here-he... (by againtry)
by seeplus
C++ ranges
[no replies]
"I'm not a robot" query |
[1 reply] : Me, an intellectual: = 0 (by zapshe)
The site now has a mobile view (1,2) |
[20 replies] Last: I have several Amazon Fire tablets I can use to surf the interwebz whe... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by IWishIKnew
What happened to the IRC Channel?
[7 replies] Last: I dunno, "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" is pretty much canon as the TV e... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Spam bots and the Windows Programming Forum |
[17 replies] Last: I was cogitating on why the spammers appear to prefer spamming the W... (by deleted account xyzzy)