General C++ Programming - May 2014 (Page 7)

Need a C + + function Who determines the type of protocol used by a server.
Hello dear friends,   I have a client application that receives a broadcast stream Streaming server by vlc. I realized receive functions with UDP and RTP pro...
[no replies]
by xystus
Help with my combat tester thing
im making a program to test combat for a game im creating. so my game has 4 races that you can choose from. 3 classes you can choose from. and 2 sub classes yo...
[9 replies] Last: @NT3 so what container method should i use? Classes? and create the cl... (by xystus)
Sieve of Eratosthenes
I'm fairly new to programming, and I just started C++ I found this problem, which involved generation all prime numbers upto "n". This is my code, where ...
[1 reply] : Note that condition j < 10 will be checked before addition is made. ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by fareez
Dear all I used codeblock to make a machine and now I need to capture the screen, I tried the GDI and dieectx examples in this site: http://www.codeproject.c...
[no replies]
Suggestion for a good book for my age.....
im a beginner. and i just turned 15. i read this book called jumping into c++ by alex allain. The part 1 of it and upto arrays. i understood every single conce...
[6 replies] Last: Thankyou MiiNiPaa, i bought c++ primer 5ht edition, and its looking ve... (by ajaymehul)
Good c++ coding habits
Hey I have been programming for a little while and I am getting used to c++ and I was wondering if there were any good habits to get into while starting off. I ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank for all the tips guys this is great (by nicodasiko)
Time problem
Hello guys! I have a question for you and I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time. I want to know if there is any function that can help you to introduce a value in...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm I wrote about kbhit function and i solved my problem: Sleep(2000... (by creative3000)
How to create word document using C# or C++
Hello everyone.. i want to ask from you people that how can i generate a word document using C++ or C#. Actually I am the beginner and i don't know how to crea...
[3 replies] Last: Thank You very much doug4 and Duoas ... :) (by Abdul03)
Object that contains 2 types of data
How do you create an object (like in the title) something more simple than a struct ? I wanna know that cuz I'm writing a function that could return a bool ea...
[2 replies] Last: Pair and tuple. Cool! Thanks once again. (by dleanjeanz)
Image Processing 2d grid help
I am stumped. I cannot get the image to display at all. I am suppose to interface with the class Draw, but I cannot change anything in it. So I had to make a cl...
[7 replies] Last: Finished! Thank you Yay295! (by Teroniz)
Convert from an infix expression to postfix (C++) using Stacks???
I need to convert from an infix expression to postfix using stacks! I need help with the code!could you tell me if what I have is right? THANKS! #ifndef EXPRE...
[2 replies] Last: If you need more help this site has a pretty good explanation. http://... (by giblit)
Data structure in Sudoku game
Hello! I want to know if you have made Sudoku game in c++, which kind of data structure did you use? please explain shortly, which part of the game did you use...
[5 replies] Last: I think that you can create an array with 3 dimensions, something like... (by shidalgo)
Can't figure why it won't work.
I have been given some code which reads some values from a .txt document. It supposedly was tested on a PC compiler and runs perfectly. However, when I try to r...
[4 replies] Last: @Duoas: if you are referring to the OP's code, the name/age part is co... (by ne555)
Hi! Please give me a hand
I have this c/c++ program that is an implementation of disjunct sets using trees. The problem is that when i use the test values it works, but when i try to use...
[no replies]
by fareez
GDI and DirectX
Dear all I used codeblock to make a machine and now I need to capture the screen, I tried the GDI and DirectX examples in this site : http://www.codeproject.c...
[no replies]
Inheritance with Anonmous members
Hello Everyone, I have a class A from which classes B and C derive. There is an existing anonymous namespace method in class C. Now, the idea is to pull it...
[3 replies] Last: There is a good discussion of unnamed (anonymous) namspaces here: ... (by AbstractionAnon)
In operator>> (or getline), how does a string allocator work?
I mean: you haven't the size of the char pointer since you don't know the user input. How does a string allocate its pointer without wasting memory or allocatin...
[5 replies] Last: It appends to string in chunks of 128 chars. So if there is more than ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Read info from a txt file into a class
Hello, I'm having trouble in getting my program to read from a file and put all the proper data into its proper class variables. I have a class (called Champio...
[3 replies] Last: I should have suggested this before. You have already overloaded t... (by AbstractionAnon)
How do I install C++
Can someone tell me how to instal c++ on my computer. I like visual studio, but does it come with the language? If not see first part.
[6 replies] Last: Thanks. (by berserker101a)
by gudeh
normal_distribution range.
Hey there, I'm implementing an normal_distribution to select objects on a vector. The thing is I can't use values greater then 1 or less then -1. Here is what c...
[6 replies] Last: You just happens to get values between -1 and 1. Normal distribution h... (by MiiNiPaa)
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