General C++ Programming - May 2014 (Page 6)

Student seeking advice
Hello All, I am a senior CIS student and I am just coming to realize how much of the programming world I am still ignorant to. I come looking for incite on how ...
[3 replies] Last: @Mats thanks man. I just checked out SFML and think im going to focus ... (by byronflds)
How do I render MIDI input (port 0x330-331) to a PCM stream (44KHz) using SF2 specs?
I've read the SoundFont 2.0 specs and written a function to read a .SF2 file using the RIFF file format. I'm wondering, how exactly do I render MIDI input (n...
[1 reply] : Thats kinda like a book's worth of a reply but if you are looking for ... (by vaportrack)
by zy83
I need some help
So I have a doubt. I have a class name Board which it's like the candy crush board, so it's a dynamic matrix. Then I have a class named sugar with the color...
[5 replies] Last: I was using a_row as an example. If you replace a_row with a public me... (by dhayden)
DAMAGE:after Normal blocks(#59)at 0x00030F08
Hello you guys,I'm doing a practice with queue,and when I run my program,trying to process the dequeue,it getting rudely crushed,so what's wrong with my dequeue...
[no replies]
Need help with generating (T)OTP in c++
Hi, I'm doing a project where i need to make a token security system. So i need a device that displays the 6 digit code, and one where you can insert it an can ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, thanks for your reply. The time is just from one pc. I use an RT... (by Laxmenk)
Problem executing
Please execute this one and advise me what is the problem and how to fix it? #include"stdafx.h" #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio....
[1 reply] : Problem... lets see... Maybe it is that there is no iostream.h heade... (by MiiNiPaa)
HELP please with operators on vectors!
so i am doing this program on vectors using operators. I have managed to use the addition and subtraction operators but i can't seem to do the more complicate...
[3 replies] Last: examples for norm and scalar product: double Vector3D::norm() { r... (by MiiNiPaa)
C++ Useful Modules Tutorial
Hey guys, I will be creating a tutorial series for creating useful, reusable cross-platform modules. This is especially useful for students currently on a pro...
[2 replies] Last: Okay sorry I didn't really know where to post it - I saw general C++ a... (by UnresponsiveScript)
C2679 Error I can not solve, would appreciate help greatly.
Hello! This is my first time posting here, I hope I am doing so correctly, if not I firmly apologize! I simply am having a lot of trouble with my code and fina...
[13 replies] Last: wow you got it to work! Thank you so so much! I will look over this, a... (by Bonster)
Hello everybody, I want to ask you all guys if any of you can help me with this two questions. I need their codes ! PLEASE THIS IS AN EMERGENCY SITUATION FOR ME...
[9 replies] Last: You couldn't compile it because it used C++11 ... You would need g++ >... (by a k n)
by Medino
Extraction between two barriers.
Yeah, so I've written this code to extract everything that is between "/*" and "*/". Unfortunately it doesn't work, I would be happy I someone would fix or tell...
[5 replies] Last: > maybe it's because I work in code blocks. Perhaps you are not compi... (by JLBorges)
by xystus
Invalid use of non-static data member?
im getting this error invalid use of non static data member. my code looks something like this: i have a main.cpp and 2 class files with respective .h fil...
[11 replies] Last: oh derp... i had something wrong with my header files. everything work... (by xystus)
Generating texture
Hello guys I'm trying to load a PNG image to use as texture, but when I compile the sdl window closes. I'm sure the error is in the function of generating...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=romulosd]Ok already solved the problem thanks to my teacher !... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Matrix Inverse using SSE
I am trying to write a function to perform the inverse of a matrix NxN, using technology SSE. but do not know where to start, I managed to write only in the cas...
[no replies]
by Latik
AttributeError: ./test.dll: undefined symbol: max
hi.. I am trying to write program where I have to call C++ function from the Python. For the calling of C++ function I am using Ctypes. I am using Raspberry Pi ...
[2 replies] Last: ¿aren't you missing braces that enclose what is defined as extern "C... (by ne555)
Memento Pattern failing because of pointer data members
All the undos and redos were working fine until the pointer data members came into the picture. The problem is that the values pointed to changed, but the poin...
[2 replies] Last: So all the classes that are pointer data members in Animal (which are ... (by prestokeys)
helppppp with my vector c++ project!
I have been doing a project and i'm only at the beginning and i'm already struggling.... so i've made a makefile,,, testvector.o, vector...
[1 reply] : Multiple post: (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
Remove word from a text file using C++?
I have a C++ program that performs calculations on numbers in a text file. However, suppose we have additional words in the text file such as "Title". In this i...
[1 reply] : Read the file into a vector of strings. Read the vector of strings bac... (by Yay295)
How to calculate certain cells of numbers instead of entire txt file in C++?
As you can see, the code below calculates the average, sum, number of items, etc, for a list of numbers in two separate files and compares them with one another...
[3 replies] Last: I forgot to mention it last time, but please use code blocks when post... (by Yay295)
by maiden
Newbie at programming here. Help is much appreciated
I just want to output a simple practice program. My goal is to output a pc specs when a user input '1'. Although this can run and output the specs, any chara...
[6 replies] Last: pressing only '1' and nothing else My interpretation is that the... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 45678... 31
  Archived months: [apr2014] [jun2014]

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