Suggestion for a good book for my age.....

im a beginner. and i just turned 15. i read this book called jumping into c++ by alex allain. The part 1 of it and upto arrays. i understood every single concept upto arrays. Now im looking for a good book to continue. i looked up this book called c++ primer plus, but everyone says it looks into c++ from a C way. So which book should i buy? will these books be too tough for my age? i dont know anything except c++, and it is my first language. PLEASE SUGGEST A BOOK.
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Check Accelerated C++.
And also C++ Primer (not plus)

Primer plus is awful book.
do those two books start from scratch?
and in c++ primer, is there a difference between 4th edition and 5th? i know 5th has c++11, but will it be a problem if i buy 4th edition. cuz i cant find 5th edition anywhere in india.
They both start teaching from scratch.
C++ Primer is trying to teach modern C++ and be up to date with latest language improvements. As C++11 was a great leap which introduced many useful changes, you will get the most with 5th edition. If you start with 4th, you will have much to catch up for.
'Jumping Into C++' is also a good one, it comes with sample codes which correlate to each topic. This is especially helpful if you get the downloadable version as you can paste the codes right into your compiler and play around with them.
Thankyou MiiNiPaa, i bought c++ primer 5ht edition, and its looking very interesting.
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