by leo2008
Need urgent help with C++ solution
[13 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for all your valuable inputs. (by leo2008)
by frek
Unit test and performance measurement
[2 replies] Last: For unit test, I really like CATCH2 and I use it in every my projects. (by wqking)
by Cplusc
problem when moving from 32 to 64 platform (1,2,3,4)
[60 replies] Last: @TheIdeasMan, That code example you used from cppreference. https://... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by helios
Weird name resolution
[3 replies] Last: Ugh. So dumb. Yeah, now I remember. I've done this at least once befor... (by helios)
by pejvak
make a template class a friend of two class
[5 replies] Last: It seemed to work when I tried... Please post an example of accessing ... (by Peter87)
by DeezyM89
How Do I Fix comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
[3 replies] Last: The problem is that comparisons with signed and unsigned integers (whe... (by Peter87)
by dorito200
Overloading Output for a pointer to an array in a class
[1 reply] : Addition is usually implemented as N carry = 0; for i = (least signi... (by helios)
by DeezyM89
Is there an issue in my Code
[5 replies] Last: ok i fixed the issue in line 18. #include <iostream> #include<cmath... (by DeezyM89)
by ms84coder
Char array to int avoiding dynamic memory allocation
[1 reply] : Consider std::from_chars (by mbozzi)
by AlexX065
using coroutines to solve stack over flow due to deep recursive function call
[4 replies] Last: Some other things to try: - Increase the stack size. This is usually a... (by dhayden)
by JB71
Random Number Generator (1,2,3)
[46 replies] Last: Interestingly while mucking around with VS, doing some testing with <r... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by frek
Volatile and threads
[6 replies] Last: @helios. Thank you, two great points! (Especially portability). Thank ... (by frek)
by Cambalinho
how change the Pointer size inside the function?
[5 replies] Last: thank you so much. works fine. and i tested that must be: "pointer adr... (by Cambalinho)
by Axon727
[4 replies] Last: Your're genuinely a life-savior @mbozzi, thank you, your credentials a... (by Axon727)
by algmaster
[10 replies] Last: Thanks! It works. Yeah, the problem with my code was that I didn't mak... (by algmaster)
How to find how many instances of templates are created upon compilation
[2 replies] Last: C++ Insights (after fixing the compile time errors) can show template ... (by JLBorges)
by wqking
ANN: accessorpp -- open source C++ library for data binding and property
[4 replies] Last: What about the castings on line 16/18 in 'Customized getter/setter' a... (by wqking)
by Cambalinho
how create a GDIPlus Image from HBITMAP?
[1 reply] : the problem is the Pallet? Maybe not. The problem might be line 15. T... (by coder777)
by dorito200
Overloading Output for a pointer to an array in a class
[4 replies] Last: numSize is a member of my class but it had to be static and initializ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Cambalinho
how get pixels colors from HDC?
[16 replies] Last: the answer is YES. thanks for all (by Cambalinho)