Beginners - January 2021 (Page 7)

by PegJ
putting quiz questions and answer in database?
Write your question here. I want to build a quiz and want to put in a database/libary/vector or array. Can anyone point me to just the tutorial as to how to...
[1 reply] : What have you tried so far? I can show you a quick example of using a... (by Ganado)
Print out book titles sorted alphabetically.
Hello, I don't know where to go from here, I am having a mental block. I will leave the instructions for the code and also what I already have done. I need help...
[4 replies] Last: Hello Andy, Thank you for your help. This is the first time that I t... (by Lucyzzz)
by Blisk
keyboard and mouse activity
I have this program which I didn't write it is for checking activity of keyboard and mouse. When user use mouse or keyboard it makes a txt file. Now problem is,...
[6 replies] Last: I have also changed that line and put in exact path for settings.conf ... (by Blisk)
Looping void function
void menu()is not looping as intended. How do I fix this? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void menu() { int apples=0, oranges=0, cherries=0,...
[4 replies] Last: Part 2: Given your original code I have worked this up, but it could ... (by Handy Andy)
In a bit of an academic pickle here...
I need to pick up C++ to fulfill one of my dreams: to write the game I've been designing for 5 years now... I think it's going to be a great game and anyway, I ...
[12 replies] Last: Well I think OP has a reasonable chance of success. More reasonable t... (by mbozzi)
How do I install SFML in Dev-C++ 5.11?
The question is in the title.
[1 reply] : (by dutch)
When should I use nullptr and why not declare a pointer?
When should I use nullptr and why not declare a pointer? I'm learning C++ and I was wondering when should I use Null Pointers and why? Why would I declare it...
[8 replies] Last: If you want to measure the size of your array and iterate your array a... (by Shan Vikram)
Write a program for difference equation in C
Hello, I would like to write two programs to solve this difference equation, iteratively, and recursively. I don't want to write programs for me. I a...
[12 replies] Last: My rule of thumb on recursion is that it has to be better in some way... (by dhayden)
the aspect of a formula
Hi there. I have a program which calculates the parameters of liniar regression . The problem is that I do not know how to represent sigma in my formula.
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <valarray> using namespace std; double... (by lastchance)
Using std::sort in unusual way
Is it possible to sort vector this way? How can i obtain that result? double cmp(Point* p1, Point* p2) { return p2->getX()*p1->getY()-p1->getX()*p2-...
[5 replies] Last: Is it possible to sort vector this way? std::sort requires that ... (by mbozzi)
Different flags for different Object in Makefile
Hello Guys, im going crazy because i cant tell to my Makefile to build a specific object with a different CFLAGS if i use a specifit rule. I need a Macro def...
[1 reply] : You use the -D flag to specify a macro at the command line. Is that wh... (by Ganado)
Error : a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object
Hello guys, I wrote this and I'm getting the Error : "a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object." Read about it, did not seem to quite ...
[5 replies] Last: @seeplus the code is not done yet, there are still things that need to... (by KareemRj)
how do i determine and cout an email from a string
basically, i have to do it WITHOUT using regex. people told me that i have to find '@' and check if it's valid to be an email address, but since it has to be do...
[11 replies] Last: The assignment is badly specified. The instructor should have given a ... (by dutch)
by emcp
Apple CLang - Classes call to implicitly-deleted copy constructor???
I have been following a book about concurrent C++ code execution, trying to get one of the examples to compile.. but getting stuck on one particular example. T...
[9 replies] Last: The code might have been designed against an outdated standard library... (by mbozzi)
by Mif
Read lines in text file from a certain line 'C'
Hello again.. I have one question, How can I read lines from a text file from a certain position? What I mean is if I have a text file like this: "RuneWords....
[11 replies] Last: Okay dutch I solved I just added this line after the first strncat... (by Mif)
by skcpp
Stack and heap addresses
In this simple line of code, my understanding is that the "new" below simply initializes the data structure, and returns a pointer to the start of that data str...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome! Thanks dutch. (by skcpp)
by PK Dey
gets is undefined
when i debug the following code using MSVS-2019 compiler says that "gets" is undefined. it means that the program is not being able to reach the stdio.h file. H...
[3 replies] Last: Two reasons not to use gets_s: 1. Although it is a C11 feature, it is ... (by dutch)
by Mif
Need Help with a warning.. 'C'
Hello.. I get this warning when I try to compile: 1430 Warning: 'fptr2' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe uninitialized] The problem is...
[14 replies] Last: Vindication! (Thanks MikeyBoy!) (by dutch)
by PK Dey
base name of class
When I go to add a class in my project there is a option to give base name. I don't know what is base name. Could some one please explain what is the base name ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes! I am using MSVS. Thanks to you all! (by PK Dey)
HAPPY 2021 everyone! I am stuck with a simple task and asking for any reference , help or recommendation! I should remark that the code contains some other ...
[4 replies] Last: FreeBSD libc (FreeBSD-2-Clause license): /* * Portable strlen() for... (by JLBorges)
January 2021 Pages: 1... 56789... 11
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