Different flags for different Object in Makefile

Hello Guys, im going crazy because i cant tell to my Makefile to build a specific object with a different CFLAGS if i use a specifit rule.

I need a Macro defined only for a specific Object file, but i can't do it..

For example:

CFLAGS = -std=c89 -pedantic

OBJ = no_need_macro.o
OBJ_2 = need_a_macro.o

/* Build without any macro */
normal_rule: $(OBJ) $(OBJ_2)
                gcc $(OBJ2) $(CFLAGS) -o
                gcc $(OBJ) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET)

specific_rule: ???? I have to build like the normal rule but the OBJ_2 need a macro..

How can i do it?
Thanks guys.
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You use the -D flag to specify a macro at the command line. Is that what you're asking?
gcc -Dname [options] [source files] [-o output file]
gcc -Dname=definition [options] [source files] [-o output file]

So, for example, doing: -DTHINGY would #define THINGY.
Doing -DTHINGY=3 would #define THINGY 3.
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