Beginners - April 2020 (Page 18)

I cant get my bool to call for true
Hey, I have tried everything. What am I doing wrong. I am trying to set up password input and my bool keeps reading wrong. I want to ensure that the password is...
[5 replies] Last: Why are you doing a separate loop when checking for the conditions? U... (by George P)
by darego
overloading << operator to print all over a classes variables
I have a simple City class that holds a city name, pair of GPS coordinates, population and average temp. I am trying to overload the << operating so I can print...
[4 replies] Last: never mind, my mistake. thanks for the replies guys (by darego)
Returning multiple arrays from a text file
I have a file where I need to get the first column of text and return it as an array and the rest of the file into a separate array. The text file looks like:...
[4 replies] Last: NStores will always be the number of stores . Since arrays start at z... (by Duthomhas)
EnglishWeight conversion
Dear all I've been looking for further help with my program while I can run it but the result came incorrectly. here's the introduction to my program Write a...
[1 reply] : the result came incorrectly Please don't make us wade through the wh... (by dhayden)
Returning the first column of a file and storing it into an array.
I am trying to read the first column of an input file and store in to an array. The file has 7 rows and 13 columns however I am only interested in the first col...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all for your help! (by vaughanthedon)
Can someone help me with that question? Write a C++ program that will read the content of the attached file titled “temperatures.txt” knowing only the foll...
[2 replies] Last: Hello rahaf201, Sorry I thought I sent this earlier, but something we... (by Handy Andy)
by Utku
SFML rotation of an object while angle is 180 degree
In my move function, I want to rotate an object in specific regions. When I want to rotate the object 180 degree, it only rotates 1 degree and stops rotation. ...
[7 replies] Last: @Peter87, I then checked x and y coordinates. I made a small calculat... (by Utku)
Sharing Data Between Threads
Hello, I have a mutithreaded application that has 2 threads. Thread 1 is for obtaining the data, this has multiple sources. (this writes the data) Thread...
[no replies]
Shortening and facilitating the creation of programs
I made a program that helps me learn german.I speak just serbian,that you should not confuse about text in quotes,and not so good english.Is there any way to re...
[5 replies] Last: I'll let you figure that one out. (by helios)
Stopping the while loop
Hello, is there a way to stop the while loop without changing the functions. I was thinking of doing if (events.back(-1)) {tf = false}. But I can't make it work...
[2 replies] Last: is there a way to stop the while loop without changing the functions ... (by Enoizat)
Trying to setup a graphics C/C++ invironment (1,2,3)
Hi, I have been using CodeBlocks IDE for some time to code in C++. Earlier I had programmed a 3D drawing program in Basic and now want to try in a faster lan...
[41 replies] Last: Variable scope can be one of the harder concepts to grasp when first l... (by George P)
data type to represent nodes at levels
Hi I'm currently writing a library which will store items related in a certain way (x is a parent of y, y is a child of z etc). I'd like to write a function w...
[7 replies] Last: a map of <level ,vector<item_type> e.g. map = k,v,c What’s the ad... (by Enoizat)
by Weechi
pseudo code Help
I just started a c++ class in college and with this whole craziness its been hard to really learn pseudo-code can anyone help me translate this for HW i...
[2 replies] Last: Hello Weechi, It would be helpful if you could provide the input, so ... (by Handy Andy)
Bubblesort linked list duplicating not sorting
Can someone point out where my bubblesort is not working. Its been awhile since I worked with bubblesort and cant find where the bug is. As you see in the resu...
[2 replies] Last: Just realized I have a bug before this that overrides good data as dup... (by mycocode)
Circle.h is not working!
SO this is not working. says that the #include"circle.h" can not be found!! please help me. #include <circle.h> Circle::Circle() { this->rad...
[2 replies] Last: Where is your (presumably "circle.cpp") file located? Where is your "c... (by Ganado)
by Zii
Too few arguments in function call
Alright, I am trying to learn functions (please bear with me) and would like to have a function "SayHello" to print "Hey there, [persons name]". However, I am n...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you Handy Andy, I really appreciate the super explanation! You a... (by Zii)
class function in .h header file
Hello my friends I wrote a code to build a matrix class. my code is in the united type and being run as well. I want to separate it into main.cpp , matrix.h an...
[5 replies] Last: That is a linker error. Linker should combine object codes to an exe... (by keskiverto)
New To Windows Programming
I know that I am showing my age. I have a rather complex piece of C++ software, that I wrote (many years ago) for the old DOS operating system. Long story sho...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for that. I downloaded the Winprog tutorial. Also, I found a ... (by anachronon)
do while loop invalid user inputs...
So I am having an issue getting a do while loop to only loop for invalid inputs, and end execution if any of the if statements within the loop are true. Dependi...
[6 replies] Last: Hello Dustin792, You are welcome. It is usually easier to use what y... (by Handy Andy)
storing vectors and functions passing
hi im trying out this code where i have to store two vectors info from 2 diffrent txt files including ',' and ';'and this has to be in the function so i can cal...
[11 replies] Last: Please use the code tags - (by salem c)
April 2020 Pages: 1... 1617181920
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