General C++ Programming - October 2021

Compiled files
There is a code that I can easily run through the terminal: g++ encode.cpp huffman.cpp -o main ./main inputFile.txt compressedFile.huf But how can I compil...
Oct 31, 2021 at 5:49pm
[3 replies] Last: Thanks everyone! (by prog2222)
by Paul5
Reading from text file and storing data into 2D array
I want to create a program to load all unique words of a specific file in an array and display them and also a program to load and display all words of a spe...
Oct 31, 2021 at 5:30pm
[15 replies] Last: Paul5, PLEASE learn to use code tags, they make reading and commenti... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Some problem with results
Does someone khow why I have the same result of compression ratio with the using Shannon-Fano, Huffman or Arithmetic compression(coding). I have 52% ratio for ...
Oct 31, 2021 at 5:02pm
[1 reply] : you asked: Chef has some beans and some jars. How many beans should f... (by jonnin)
Read Files
Looking for help on this assignment cause i'm new to c++. Can anyone help me out with figuring this out? how to read multiples files with void prodecure? i'm ge...
Oct 30, 2021 at 4:46pm
[1 reply] : Three times (by salem c)
Read Files
Looking for help on this assignment cause i'm new to c++. Can anyone help me out with figuring this out? how to read multiples files with void prodecure? i'm ge...
Oct 30, 2021 at 4:46pm
[1 reply] : (by salem c)
Eclipse thinks __cplusplus is defined for a .c file!!
Hello, I'm utilizing Eclipse Juno with thew ADT for an Android NDK based task and I have tracked down that the Eclipse indexer thinks __cplusplus is characteri...
Oct 30, 2021 at 12:55pm
[1 reply] : Was your use of ".C" deliberate or finger trouble? Because .C (ie, ca... (by salem c)
by JRManx
C++ word library? (1,2,3)
Is there a good C++ (or C) word library? I just had an idea to make some kind of a Boggle cheating program and I realized I need a list of words. If there i...
Oct 29, 2021 at 10:07pm
[42 replies] Last: [quote=jonnin]the word [mainframe computer] triggers people like punch... (by JRManx)
Need Help Coding This In C++
Given This, code, for the stack header and implementation, have to create this program. For a given integer n (n>1), the smallest integer d (d>1) that divides ...
Oct 29, 2021 at 7:35pm
[9 replies] Last: First, posting with code tags and indentation makes code easier to rea... (by keskiverto)
Grade System using arrays
I've been trying to create a grading system using arrays but i've been having issues when it outputs. it doesn't output all of the courses i entered and the cor...
Oct 29, 2021 at 9:33am
[2 replies] Last: There seems to be an issue re storing multiple grades for the differen... (by seeplus)
Can someone help me with the last part of my code? I need help with sorts. There must be 3 total but 1 has to be a working sort algorithm (selection sort) and ...
Oct 28, 2021 at 2:22am
[3 replies] Last: > Can someone help me with the last part of my code? ¿what's the last... (by ne555)
by Setat
Search a string.
Hi, I need to find a string which is started from the first of the line and replace it with another string, s1 = xxyyzz xxyyzz = ... s2 = ABCxxyyzzDEF A...
Oct 27, 2021 at 7:44pm
[1 reply] : string has .find() and .replace() ... just call them? if you need to ... (by jonnin)
Sample Questions
Hello.... can I ask a few questions for you guys? I just need a study guide in order to understand more in condition control structures. I'm just learning how t...
Oct 27, 2021 at 1:41pm
[4 replies] Last: oh-there it is. thanks bro (by Burkyburk)
by Wali23
Big number subtraction
Bigint operator-(const Bigint &n1, const Bigint &n2) { Bigint result; int carry = 0; for (int i = 255; i >= 0; i--) { if (n1.arr - n2...
Oct 27, 2021 at 1:04pm
[1 reply] : did you mean result = (n1 - n2 -carry) % 10 + 10; this is still no... (by jonnin)
One way is like this: void findMin(double& lowest, double n1, double n2, double n3, double n4, double n5) { lowest = n1; if (lowest > n2) lowest = n2; i...
Oct 27, 2021 at 12:17pm
[4 replies] Last: I don't think the OP removed their posts. More likely that they got re... (by The Grey Wolf)
Out of Memory/Crash issue
Which of below code , assuming there is no out of memory can happen, say if it is correct, if it will crash or performs more than one memory allocation? ...
Oct 27, 2021 at 11:38am
[16 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I will close this thread as solv... (by denver2020)
file input and output for a menu
Hello all, I've run into another issue with my classwork and this one has thrown me through a loop. The objective is to have a menu that displays 10 different t...
Oct 27, 2021 at 11:27am
[3 replies] Last: [quote=dorito200] Hello all, I've run into another issue with my class... (by MikeyBoy)
Array Performance issue
Below code runs at different speed, when array is of huge size. Which one of these is faster? struct B { int i ; }; int Sample1(B* array, int ...
Oct 26, 2021 at 12:27pm
[5 replies] Last: you can probably unroll it to a single loop instead of a nested one an... (by jonnin)
Using Conditional State create a division program
Using Conditional Statement create a program to find if the number is divisible by 2 (also 2 is multiplied by the divisor) and if the n is not divisible by 2 an...
Oct 26, 2021 at 12:01pm
[4 replies] Last: Using Conditional Statement create a program to find if the number i... (by jonnin)
Code Crash Issue
My below code crashes at the below highlighted line. How can I fix it? class Animal { int age; float height; public: virtual float Eating(); vi...
Oct 26, 2021 at 11:35am
[3 replies] Last: Post real code showing the problem. Not random snippets taken out of ... (by salem c)
Array in class and File operation
... the code goes here #define SIZE 25 #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class Student { private: string studentName...
Oct 26, 2021 at 9:12am
[4 replies] Last: and the console is blank, Please help me to find my mistakes, Thi... (by seeplus)
October 2021 Pages: 123... 5
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