Beginners - March 2021 (Page 5)

How to I replace characters in a char[]
I have this char* POnlinee; POnlinee = getenv(transferFolder); // this will result in C:\temp\1 Now I need to change POnlinee to c:\\temp\\1 ...
[12 replies] Last: Yes, that's exactly what the System:: nonsense is. But a project shoul... (by Ganado)
error expression must be a modifiable value
I am trying to read a value from the set variables, but for some reason, I cannot seem to change transgerfolder parameter after i found the path. Error (ac...
[6 replies] Last: you are making it hard for yourself using C-style strings. are you al... (by jonnin)
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol (templated functions)
#include <iostream> template <class T> struct Vehicle { T num = -1; Vehicle(T n) : num(n) {}; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& st...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus] Ah simple enough. Thanks! (by ElusiveTau)
Hello everyone, I have a project and I want to open a locked zip file. I was wondering if there is a library like zipfile in python for C++.
[5 replies] Last: zlib is easy to use. In c++, I mean, its available ... its been in c... (by jonnin)
Issue with String Concatentation
I'm trying to concatenate a bunch of strings into a single string within a function, which I can then return to the main function. The code I am using is as fol...
[7 replies] Last: L26 - don't return by ref replace string& salary_new(...) with string ... (by seeplus)
by L67GS
fstream odd behavior, very odd!
This one is a head scratcher! This little block of code works just fine on a Linux X86 Box with gcc7 compiler, but when I use the same program on an Linux ARM7...
[9 replies] Last: I'm a novice developer, and did implement some error reporting to the ... (by L67GS)
by kg88
Doing a pushback with an array pushback value is not showing
Hi I'm trying to do a pushback in a function with an array. Not quite sure why the pushback value is not displaying in the console. Here's part of the code. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Ganado, you are a lifesaver! I have no idea why it still compil... (by kg88)
Problem with Vector Subscript Out of Range
I'm doing the following block of code to simply read a .csv file of 11 columns and 10 rows. The aim is to perform an analysis on the data in each row, so I want...
[12 replies] Last: I'm constantly getting the following errors when debugging: invalid_a... (by bellerophonbhattu)
by kmce
set class template / Compare?
Hello, I am reading a STL book, and going over a section about sets to learn more about them. Ive not been dedicated to learning c++ for very long so still very...
[2 replies] Last: typename can be ... (by keskiverto)
Separate Chaining Hash Functions
[no replies]
by solo88
minGW 64 bit compiler acting weird
hello... i've noticed something strange when i compile a project with external libraries like boost (just like in my eliza code) when ever i the first time i co...
[5 replies] Last: which one do you recommend for me to use? I personally use both VS 2... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Ossie
Image on builded solution
Hi, I'm trying to make my builded solution have a image/logo, it gets build as a .exe and I want it to have a image. I've tried to look into the properties of m...
[1 reply] : On Windows, the executable's icon is specified using a resource file. ... (by helios)
Doing a Salary Structure Program but While Loop isn't doing what I want it to do
I am working on a salary restructuring program with the aim of moving all current salaries to a unified structure. The following are the parameters for the new ...
[2 replies] Last: I finally got that, so I circumvented that by creating a new function ... (by bellerophonbhattu)
by Ch1156
Searching for duplicate vector items
I need to be able to search my vector so that duplicate items arent added. So If a potion is added again, it will just add the amount instead of the item again....
[13 replies] Last: Awesome i got it working, thank you all for your help. (by Ch1156)
Replacing words in a string
I want to write a program that replaces words in a string. For example, if the user inputs "hi" as a word to replace and then "hello" as a replacement word, the...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> int main()... (by seeplus)
Set Implementation Project Sanity Check
Hi, I know asking for help with homework is usually frowned upon here, but considering the fact that it's already complete and turned in, I just wanted to see i...
[3 replies] Last: Are you aware that a std::set exists? See: (by dakotad8218)
by solo88
an eliza program code i found on the net.
hello. i was curious and found a code for a basic eliza chatbot in c++ three files total. with use of boost library however when i run it i get many warnings a...
[5 replies] Last: succeeded #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> ... (by solo88)
by siid14
Abort trap : 6
I got an error "Abort trap: 6" on my code. I have been looking through it to find how to fix it. I think this has to do with a dynamic memory allocation to solv...
[6 replies] Last: The .close() calls in OP's arrayToFile and fileToArray functions are e... (by Ganado)
by kmce
erasing from a set
Hello I am learning from a tutorial about sets, and erasing from them but not using the std::erase_if, using a manual erase. The person showed the code to do it...
[10 replies] Last: There's loads of 'tutorials' available on the web and 'example code' o... (by seeplus)
Karel the Robot
If anyone has done this Karel lab before I would greatly appreciate some help on it. Karel will continue performing this operation until all of the ...
[3 replies] Last: what's that. ___ hiim ducking from (by khosango)
March 2021 Pages: 1... 34567... 13
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