User: solo88

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User profile: solo88

User info
User name:solo88
Old user name:ron77
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

tic tac toe game acting weird
:D hello thank you for helping me today i finished the game (so i hope) i corrected the algorithm fo...

tic tac toe game acting weird
okay here is my almost full tic tac toe game code it has a bug in the algorithm that checks if there...

tic tac toe game acting weird
hello thank you for your answer - i've changed the code and now it doesn't enter infinitely loops......

tic tac toe game acting weird
hello... i'm trying to code a simple tic tac toe game. i use a class and oop and i coded the first ...

minGW 64 bit compiler acting weird
hello... well after testing all 3 compilers and ide's i've decided to use for learning c++ visual s...

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