by dob00000
Is there anyways to make this less complex?
[3 replies] Last: Deleting a node in a binary search tree is not trivial. There are seve... (by seeplus)
by JamieAl
Error: MATLAB vs C++ output
[7 replies] Last: @jonnin Okay, I was able to fix the main "out of band issue" and get ... (by JamieAl)
by copypasta
Character/ASCII - Question
[5 replies] Last: [quote=copypasta]I am fairly new to C++ and still learning. There is ... (by George PlusPlus)
by mermaidly
Switch statement??
[2 replies] Last: Don't use a switch statement. You expect to input one number, then ano... (by dhayden)
by impetus
how to prevent array of ints from edits
[9 replies] Last: Im 100% sure nothing amends the original contents, it's magic number ... (by dhayden)
by PhysicsIsFun
Scientific Computing - Debugging Tools (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: I usually write programs from the domains of physical simulations, n... (by seeplus)
by lioneldest12
Student's Basic Information and Grades
[1 reply] : L9 & 10 - you need to specify the size of the arrays. In C++ the size ... (by seeplus)
by jNc
Compile two cpp files with QT Creator
[13 replies] Last: I need to use data set with Base class with derived classes.. Great,... (by mbozzi)
by CodeChaser
Pong game (SFML) (1,2)
[34 replies] Last: Thanks George, I will have to hit the Win32 API eventually as well and... (by CodeChaser)
by UnkownUser
Ant simulator
[5 replies] Last: [quote=salem c]Don't try and run code until you've fixed all the issue... (by George PlusPlus)
by Mae4ashy
Edmonds-Karp for Max Flow having timeout
[4 replies] Last: Oh wow, thanks. I think now I understand the stuff that went wrong wit... (by Mae4ashy)
by JamieAl
C++ vs MATLAB syntax: Incorrect results
[2 replies] Last: @lastchance wow, you're right I have no idea how I couldn't see it. Th... (by JamieAl)
by ksh02
Replacing a local object causes warnings (deprecated-copy)
[4 replies] Last: StringSeq& StringSeq::operator=(StringSeq const& other) { data = o... (by seeplus)
by death1239
2D Array
[1 reply] : Here's how geeksforgeeks would do it: (by newbieg)
by rozick1
Is this an appropriate use of std::optional?
[1 reply] : I think option one is the best choice. The interface is appealing: v... (by mbozzi)
by PhysicsIsFun
read 2D array from file
[6 replies] Last: Cheers, then I got it! (by PhysicsIsFun)
by grahams
I want to make a book system
[3 replies] Last: OK, let's not get into dynamic memory just yet (it will be desirable l... (by newbieg)
how do i convert a unicode number into a char |
[2 replies] Last: Each character that exists in the Unicode standard is unambiguously id... (by kigar64551)
by anonomyss
Spaces / Columns
[14 replies] Last: C++20 String Formatting Library: An Overview and Use with Custom Types... (by againtry)
by grahams
expected a ; even though it's a function
[3 replies] Last: Oh, wait, I figured it out, Thanks Peter87 The problem was I assigned... (by grahams)