by CodeChaser
Smaller c++ questions (1,2)
[39 replies] Last: [quote=protoseepp]I know that you told me that (begin, begin) & (end, ... (by Peter87)
by mickydint
return type amgiguity
[2 replies] Last: You are misreading the docs, sorry. (by Duthomhas)
by klebermo
Integration between constructor and result of overloaded operator=
[1 reply] : What is the purpose of the class template? In what context do you inte... (by mbozzi)
by keskiverto
issue to appoint two things
[1 reply] : A couple of words were changed, making the post even less understandab... (by deleted account xyzzy)
alternate input issue |
[8 replies] Last: also very cool that if you multiply 1.0 to the result of two integers ... (by givingitago 88)
by klebermo
Get number of arguments passed to variadic function/method
[11 replies] Last: @klebermo Your error message comes from this line: f1 = {p5, p6}; ... (by Peter87)
by ciullaantj
Review / Advice (1,2)
[26 replies] Last: One cool aspect of the {fmt} library, as well as C++20's <format>, is ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Question about the move contructor |
[1 reply] : The issue is in main(). &(, &( is the address of the .da... (by seeplus)
by klebermo
class to aggregate and evaluate many functions in batch
[7 replies] Last: I figured a working example might help. But you're right, it's essenti... (by mbozzi)
by mickydint
'include <cassert>
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Peter87]I guess contracts would have been an alternative. We al... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by JamieAl
Eigen matrix vs for loop matrix give off results
[7 replies] Last: dv(j + (ny + 1)*i) oh yeah this is it, I have completely missed this... (by JamieAl)
by lilthanos
Need help :)
[11 replies] Last: Code intent should always be clear. What intent can you derive from t... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by copypasta
Character Array & Pointer - Confused
[3 replies] Last: [quote=salem c]To see the pointer value, you have to cast it to some o... (by Peter87)
How can i change this [Try Catch] C++ code? |
[4 replies] Last: Yea that is exactly what i wanted...Thank you soo much sir i rly appre... (by TharinduCplusPlus)
by Rallonce
Optimizing finding the largest element in an array
[6 replies] Last: well, you learned something in the class as well. The trick is getting... (by jonnin)
by Rendo
Difficulty understanding for loop iteration results (1,2)
[25 replies] Last: I can't see myself using some sort of object for a local 2 element ar... (by seeplus)
by BuckedUp
Trying to print one digit at a time using a specific algorithm
[7 replies] Last: Here is the link for the algorithm OMG - what are they teaching the... (by seeplus)
by gabzz29
bug around while(!())
[9 replies] Last: Playing around: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <typ... (by seeplus)
by ElusiveTau
No suitable constructor exists to convert from 'int' to 'Uint64' (user-defined type)
[8 replies] Last: The error messages indeed suggest that Uint64 is being defined as a st... (by Peter87)
by Pen72
Minimal cycle size in graph
[6 replies] Last: Yes it works, thank you so much, and thanks for your explanation. (by Pen72)