User: keskiverto

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User profile: keskiverto

User info
User name:keskiverto
Number of posts:10388
Latest posts:

Crowdstrike BSOD gives one view on how the faulty update got in without p...

order of importing does affect the outcome!
[quote]the order of importing modules does matter if they are at least vaguely related[/quote] That ...

[quote]Should these basic facts be known by all C++ developers?[/quote] The list is less important t...

What is the difference between declaring a variable auto and declaring it auto&&?
I did run [code]#include <iostream> int& f() { int value=5; return value; } int main() { ...

What is the difference between declaring a variable auto and declaring it auto&&?
Such reference has to be const? I.e. the auto handles that? Why [code]auto&&[/code] and not [code]a...

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