Windows Programming - October 2022

How do I design a button?
This function creates two default buttons. void Buttons::send_button(HWND hWnd) { CreateWindow(L"Button", L"Choose File", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 53, 315, 1...
[2 replies] Last: I believe you can, instead, register that an image has been clicked an... (by jonnin)
Where to find Win32, COM, MFC, ATL tutorials?
I have to learn windows programming for my job since the code base I currently work with uses MFC and ATL. I've never used them for writing C++ windows apps and...
[6 replies] Last: The "Bible" of Windows API programming: "Programming Windows", Fifth ... (by George P)
by Mobo01
Views are created in SQL Server.
In SQL Server, I'm constructing the view shown below. create view View_CAM as SELECT '5' FUNCTION, getdate() UPLOAD_DATE, 'U' STATUS, NULL INITIATED_DAT...
[1 reply] : I think you have to put some kind of limitation on the subquery, like ... (by jonnin)
Reading a single byte from file.
Hi, I am having an issue with reading a single byte from a file. I want to read a byte from a file and set a NumericUpDown controls' value to the byte that w...
[4 replies] Last: > What solved the issue was using (unsigned char) in brackets. > hmm ... (by JLBorges)
Windows API not working on Win 11
Hello guys, I recently written code to capture an image doing basically: #include "windows.h" #include "vfw.h" #include <cstdio> #pragma com...
[1 reply] : Tested on my PC with Windows 10 and it does not work. I have a bmp fil... (by Geckoo)
HScrollBar value glitch
Hi, I created a HScrollBar control and set its maxvalue to 255. Changing its value will show the value in a NumericUpDown control. When I scroll to its maximu...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the explanation. Hmm that makes sense. (by Cyclone)
How to create an MFC custom control in VS2022?
Hi, I need to make an MFC custom control that enables me to draw bidimensional graphs... I am going to start looking in internet but though I also asked for ...
[6 replies] Last: And what about ImGUI? (by Geckoo)
win32 - DIBs - can i use the a pixel array(HBITMAP), from 1 HDC, to another HDC(HBITMAP)?
ok.. using the GetCurrentObject() i can get the HBITMAP and the GetObject() give the BIMAP. using once the GetDIBits(), without using the pixels array, from th...
[6 replies] Last: now i can draw a line with a texture.. tomorrow, i will update it for ... (by Cambalinho)
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