Windows Programming - October 2011 (Page 5)

DirectX, Vectors, and the Origin
Im trying to make a simple program using DirectX which simple draws 2 Vectors and preforms various mathematical functions on them and displaying the result grap...
[no replies]
by Nybble
Adding variable to a listbox
So I'm trying to add a variable's value to a listbox but it isn't working at all... here is the code: SendMessage(hList,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)Var ); I...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much sir ( late reply cause I had to go somewhere) Tha... (by Nybble)
by xdega
Fun with Beep(), Windows API.
I am a complete novice, but I found the Beep() function as part of the win api and instantly got exited at the creative possibility's as far as adding sound to ...
[4 replies] Last: Still "Bass Audio Library" beats Windows API. In their... (by S G H)
Need online C++ compiler that can do Windows system calls!
Help im stuck at work and i cant download visual studio, or anything for that matter. I am working on a unix command line emulator so i need to make windows sys...
[6 replies] Last: You included <atlstr.h> I'm afraid that working with ATL requires full... (by modoran)
how to make an Excell style table
Yeah, the title pretty much states it. I need to generate it dynamically too. Like the user enters the number of rows and columns. Thanks
[8 replies] Last: PPS I was assuming you were talking about non-.Net Windows programming... (by andywestken)
Windows Tutorial Needed!
Hello, this is my first topic on the forum. My question is: "Can anyone out there point out some good <windows.h>/<windows>(i'm not sure if there's a differen...
[8 replies] Last: Hope this helps. (by blackcoder41)
by B W
Beginner's Question Temp Conversion
Hello everyone, I have a quiz in a few days, no classes in between now and the quiz and no friends in computer programming class. In order to do the quiz, I n...
[4 replies] Last: I simply used it so the program doesn't exit, I think it should be obv... (by Nybble)
Receiving garbage winsock
Hello every one I'm trying to send "Hello" from Client to server but the server receive garbage instead of "Hello". i tested my Client and with telnet and tel...
[1 reply] : Sounds like a little endian big endian issue (by Intrexa)
Window Registry with Time Stamp
I have buiild software with 30 days trial. After 30 days enduser(or Client) will call to obtain key code and reactivate the software and code I have w...
[no replies]
by Phiru
Hi, I am looking for a way to expect time of scanning all files on pc by using FINDFILE function. When I scan all files on C:\, I want to know the length o...
[5 replies] Last: when you move some of files in extern disk into pc, i can check how m... (by modoran)
by Srija
C# Windows Forms Application
hi i am new to this application. I need help regarding how to move the cursor to a specific point in the form??? I am using the following piece of code whic...
[3 replies] Last: thanking to both of you for the response.... (by Srija)
Detecting running applications, port activity
Is there a way in C++ to detect which exe files are running (like the task manager does) then to exit them out. I'm trying to figure out how to list all runni...
[2 replies] Last: @ modoran : That's an interesting looking driver, it would almost b... (by Computergeek01)
by Phiru
I am making a pretty simple media player using wavein/out. So far, everything i am working on is fine except for one thing. I can play, pause, resume, but I...
[1 reply] : WaveOutReset() is what does the magic of stopping, are you passing it ... (by Serapth)
DirectX: dwData member of the DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA structure
Hey guys. I've recently been trying to figure out a way to detect only a single key press in my DirectX framework, rather than the key being held down, and whil...
[no replies]
Make cpp program a function
I have a small cpp program (1) that I want to call from another cpp program (2). I tried making (1) into a header file placing it into (2) so that I can call it...
[6 replies] Last: Including "functions" and initializing variables etc... in a header fi... (by Nybble)
Win32 Print Code
I've spent the last two or three days learning how to print from the Win32 API. I used Petzold's examples, but I updated quite a bit from MSDN, the most importa...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry to keep pumping this thread, but I have discoverd that if I choo... (by Lamblion)
Winsock Programming Assistance Needed
I am trying to figure out how to do a multiplayer server in Winsock. I need help with connections and data management. I want to know how I can let multiple cli...
[14 replies] Last: You have to cast the SOCKET variable to an LPVOID, then back to SOCKET... (by Computergeek01)
how to read from this file
Hi everyone , ineed to know how to read from this file 11111 Ahmed Malik al-raisi/COMP2102 A 3 PHYS2102 B 3 LANC1001 C+ 3 ARAB1100 F 3 COMP1200 I 2 CR...
[1 reply] : (by Nybble)
Ok I really give up with this piece of code, I don't see what's wrong with it, can anyone give me any clues? #include <Windows.h> #include <string> usi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! Worked perfectly :D (by joro550)
by Nybble
Reading My own memory
I didn't get any help on the other section so maybe I'll get some here?: I want to read memory off my process, for example I have this global variable with the...
[9 replies] Last: @gpot wait what? I'm reading in memory that is readable :/ so am I su... (by gpotw)
October 2011 Pages: 1... 345678
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