by Chikwado
Window services application deployments
[2 replies] Last: srvany can be used to run a .exe program as a service (by seeplus)
arrays,lists & map. mapping values to RGV values |
[9 replies] Last: The WinAPI has the COLORREF struct and several macro functions for dea... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by oddy
How can I install gdb using mingw-get?
[2 replies] Last: mingw-get is from the old depreacted/discontinued "" projec... (by kigar64551)
how to find out if a window is running modal
[1 reply] : Search internet, yada, yada, yada..... (by deleted account xyzzy)
how to create a modeless CDialog in MFC?
[1 reply] : Simply amazing what one can find scraping the bowels of the interwebz.... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by GeorgeSnyder
BGI problems
[16 replies] Last: you can use devC editor and VC compiler if you really hate the VS edit... (by jonnin)
by oddy
How can I install a specific version of GCC on Windows?
[4 replies] Last: I am attending an OI(Olympiad in Informatics), they compile source fi... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by stathagat
Memory leak observed (regfree() not freeing total allocated memory) while using <regex.h>
[2 replies] Last: It is always possible that you are doing something wrong in your code ... (by kigar64551)
by Rakib771
Bluetooth connection error with winsock2.h
[2 replies] Last: @George P, Thanks for the response. The code compiles with c++17. It c... (by Rakib771)
by salem c
Testing program deployment
[4 replies] Last: Process Monitor is a good tool, another similar one is Process Explore... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by VeganCheese1
Why is the code breaking?
[1 reply] : cin.ignore() will wait for input if there's nothing to ignore. Also th... (by seeplus)