by Piercen
What is the reason for the explicit template specification order / special status of first argument?
[1 reply] : this was already discussed in (by Cubbi)
by Viktor123
I am having trouble with this problem. I am stuck.
[1 reply] : I am having trouble with this problem. I am stuck. Stuck at what po... (by seeplus)
by Morriss1
Linked list removing problem [repost from r cplusplus]
[2 replies] Last: Using a prev pointer: for (Node *current=head, *prev=nullptr; cur... (by dhayden)
by dman25
Create new object with std::async
[3 replies] Last: Oh yeah. Or you could just return it. (by Repeater)
by Cambalinho
3D camera: i need a correction on camera size
[16 replies] Last: I don't have VB. But you can easily check your code in two ways: 1. T... (by againtry)
calculate size of the data from function arguments
[1 reply] : It passes 2 pointers and 2 ints, therefore the size of the data passed... (by seeplus)
by hakmaabdul
linking node at the end of the list
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the information, it's really helpful. Now, I'm able to l... (by hakmaabdul)
by Kennethh
Why is __cplusplus defined within extern “C”
[1 reply] : You forgot to extern "C" the definition of library_do(), thus the func... (by helios)
by junweinehc
Is this name collision?
[5 replies] Last: This compiles and runs OK as 1 file: #include <string> #include <io... (by seeplus)
by Bapt
Create an histogram from datas vector
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for all !! (by Bapt)
by java982
Help with Implementing a class please
[2 replies] Last: Double posting: (by deleted account xyzzy)
C++20: concept definition parameters seems inverted
[1 reply] : Looks like that "SubClass" was someone's version of the standard libra... (by Cubbi)
[4 replies] Last: that too. but you fixed that already :) If the OP is going to be pla... (by jonnin)
by grooviqw
std:: or using namespace std
[6 replies] Last: There are a lot of names in the std:: namespace. If put using namespac... (by dhayden)
by Mante
What do I need to know when mixing C and C++ code?
[1 reply] : (by salem c)
by msikora
Weird compiler behavior
[2 replies] Last: The problem is one of evaluation order , not operator precedence: it ... (by mbozzi)
by junweinehc
Beginner Level Pointer
[6 replies] Last: @furry guy Suppose be C++. I was doing some C++ practices for some r... (by junweinehc)
by grooviqw
replacing a character in a string
[9 replies] Last: OK #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <map> int main()... (by seeplus)
Reapating numbers |
[5 replies] Last: That's one part of the answer - how about the rest? In this sequence ... (by lastchance)
by vish09
Threads accessing same buffer
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for clearing my doubts. (by vish09)