by kbw
What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?
[1 reply] : Usually the error also says where the bad reference comes from. Read ... (by dhayden)
by DickFulthorp
Why Have Functions() in classes? (1,2)
[35 replies] Last: That only covers C++11. Better C++11 than either C++98/03 or no stan... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by seeplus
Ranges overkill?
[5 replies] Last: Here's a talk about std::ranges that shows better use cases. https://w... (by thmm)
by n00b1e
[6 replies] Last: yeah I meant == and != not < sry (by n00b1e)
by JamieAl
Matrix Division in Eigen vs MATLAB
[5 replies] Last: @mbozzi Thanks! This is pretty helpful actually. (by JamieAl)
A moved C++ container and MSVC++ (1,2) |
[20 replies] Last: This is my take on ' valid but unspecified state ': valid : operatio... (by JLBorges)
by woohyeon
fwrite(Buffer, sizeof(A), N, fp) vs fwrite(Buffer, sizeof(A) * N, 1, fp)
[7 replies] Last: If you only write as one object then you either have a successful wri... (by dhayden)
by salem c
PID controller setup for each cores of the CPU
[1 reply] : how many variables are in your state? This sounds like it could be si... (by jonnin)
by Geckoo
[3 replies] Last: I don't think Vulkan will make OpenGL obsolete, or that OpenGL w... (by kigar64551)
by SomeStudent
"for (int i" vs "for (i"
[18 replies] Last: Yeah - but in C++ a ref is just a pointer 'under the hood'... (by seeplus)
by Wallby
A predefined macro for macro recursion in c?
[12 replies] Last: Many education systems (especially in the UK) seem to teach Java as a ... (by seeplus)
by t im
About the End of Multi-level Pointer
[4 replies] Last: Thanks all the answers. I got it. (by t im)
by DOOMReboot
Best Design Pattern(s) to Load Binary File
[2 replies] Last: have you considered the kiss design pattern instead? Half kidding, bu... (by jonnin)
help |
[3 replies] Last: Ah, another "I need better code" leech shows up. They get it and then... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by frek
MinAveRange exercise
[16 replies] Last: When working on a solution, a couple of times I was quite close to the... (by frek)
by Cplusc
adding header and cpp files from different folder in VS project (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: Thank you all for your good points. (by Cplusc)
by Kingfrankbob
Help with Float point refrencing
[9 replies] Last: yes. the most simple, basic thing would be to use base 10 (inefficient... (by jonnin)
by DeepMohinman
Does opencv have a constexpr vector or matrix container
[3 replies] Last: const std::vector<cv::Vec<unsigned char, 3> > As current, std::vector... (by seeplus)
by copypasta
Wandbox (Online) - How To Save?
[2 replies] Last: Using an online compiler is not the best way to learn C++ since many k... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by SomeStudent
Struct as function parameter
[4 replies] Last: // For “in” parameters, pass cheaply-copied types by value and ot... (by JLBorges)