General C++ Programming - June 2022

An input variable takes both double and string?
I'm making a timezone converting program. Sample outputs are here: $ echo "noon HST EET" | ./a.out midnight $ echo "11:29 a.m. EST GMT" | ./a.out 4:29 p.m. w...
[1 reply] : Read the input into a string and parse the string (checking for all va... (by JLBorges)
Image pixel to vector
Is there any way to read various images from different types like bmp, jpeg, png and put those pixels values in a C++ vector, then modify those pixels values an...
[16 replies] Last: Be careful with that stuff though. IIRC, bmp alone has like 5 'magic'... (by jonnin)
FFT results of c++ vs MATLAB (1,2)
I have the following code in c++ with an fft function that has been tested before: #include <cmath> #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> #include "fftw3.h"...
[22 replies] Last: This is pretty HELPFUL, thanks a lot everyone! (by JamieAl)
Help with this problem
and what is your current effort to code this? How far have you got? What issues are you having? Post your current code.
[3 replies] Last: ... but can you understand and explain it? If that was for a homework... (by seeplus)
by thmm
Fuzzer support in VS2022
I just installed VS2022 and noticed that there is sth. called Fuzzer Support under Settings->C++->General. How does it work? Has anyone used it ?
[2 replies] Last: I've seen it, never used it or any of the other address sanitizers ava... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Virtual method from derived class is not called
Hello all, i am stuck fixing why the base classes virtual method is not called. The variable (arr) is initialated as the base class Entity. I now want to be...
[8 replies] Last: @kigar64551 One could argue that bar() on line 7 is "called via poin... (by Peter87)
Code writing specification when it needs to be broken to the next line
How's coding text specification when it needs to be broken to the next line by adding \ i.e. how is it if there're some \ characters in the will-be-broken long ...
[4 replies] Last: heh, they linked the tame clang bug report, but not gcc's https://gcc.... (by Cubbi)
help with stack
Hello, I'm trying to create a stack wherein it can accept any data types, but somehow I'm having some errors while running the program. I keep on getting the ...
[3 replies] Last: As one file, consider: #include <iostream> #include <string> templ... (by seeplus)
by t im
About the return value of (b, c)
I just want to write the code // a, b, c are all int; a = max(b,c); However, I missed the max, and the code is: a = (b,c); The code ran as well. I wonde...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your answers. (by t im)
Does reference variable/reference parameter store address?
I know that reference is an alias to a variable but i read somewhere online that reference store address of the variable it refers to. Kind of confused right ...
[4 replies] Last: As mentioned, in the language, references have no size and no address,... (by Cubbi)
why does printing address of c string returns the entire string?
why does printing address of c string returns the entire string? let's say I have a char cString {"HELLO WORLD"} 1. why does printing out the &cString r...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. I edited my code. (by Worldtreeboy)
Help in Stacks
Hello. I've been studying stacks and I just want to know on how to modify this code below, wherein, This program can accept any data types. Can someone help me ...
[4 replies] Last: printStackElements() is very inefficient as it first copies the stack ... (by seeplus)
Assigning derived class of new-array failes
Hello all, i am currently in the process of implementing a console version of greenfoot. I have assigned the base class (Entity) to each object on the 2-dime...
[2 replies] Last: Class Entity should have a virtual destructor. Deleting an object... (by JLBorges)
Difficulty with "if statements" homework
I'm struggling hard with an exercise in Cengage for my Intro to Programming class. Professor hasn't gotten back to me for assistance (it's an online class) and ...
[5 replies] Last: Post your completed code and we could give some "better ways to code" ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Help with building this game
Hi all , I have been trying to make a game where 2 players pick from 4 cards but I am having trouble on assigning the randomly generated numbers into each card ...
[8 replies] Last: FYI, anyone foolish enough to click on spammer Hison's links deserves ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Help Lease a property ADT
Add a Property Lease a Property Retrun a Property Show Property Details Show all Property Show all Available Properties Leaser's Log -1 Add ...
[6 replies] Last: To get you started: #include <list> #include <queue> struct Property... (by thmm)
by crdo
can't see my data stored in a (VECTOR/STRUCT)
my code is bellow. I'm trying to call the data stored in the vector (cout command in the last line) and when I run this code it just prints "LECTURA FINALIZADAo...
[7 replies] Last: L21. This isn't needed as file streams are closed automatically when t... (by seeplus)
Phone DB app c++ (1,2)
Hi All I have developed a phone DB application with user name, address, contact number related info. Also created functions for adding, viewing, searching, e...
[26 replies] Last: is it awful? Its ensured so you can do exactly that, or am I off base... (by thmm)
2D FFT of Eigen matrices using FFTW library
I'm trying to use the FFTW library with Eigen. Since Eigen's unsupported module is slower. So, I'm struggling on implementing a very basic example. Here is what...
[2 replies] Last: @kigar64551 hey you're so right, I guess writing code at 1 am is not a... (by JamieAl)
by frek
Max product of three elements
Hi all, Task, in summary: Find the maximum product of three elements in an array of int type with at least 3 elements . I'm sure this task is something you'v...
[8 replies] Last: That's why I assume there must be some math source I can study and le... (by seeplus)
June 2022 Pages: 123
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