General C++ Programming - January 2016 (Page 5)

extracting a string between two patterns
I have a 100 chars wide string with few '\n' characters, I want to extract the string between the first and the second '\n'. how can I do it without using str...
[2 replies] Last: strchr is what you need. (by Thomas1965)
by Tibar
Indirect string identification
I want to use indirect string id in C++. As an example, I have a number of AnsiStrings, say : A1="knife"; B2="Poison"; C5="Rope"; etc and a string with the n...
[5 replies] Last: The content of some of the strings is dynamic, i.e. B2 could be "Pois... (by TheIdeasMan)
Invalid shell commands and _popen()
FILE* pipe = _popen(command.c_str(), "r"); while(fgets(data, 1024, pipe)) g_Client.Send(data); _pclose(pipe); So above executes shell commands,...
[2 replies] Last: Much obliged man. Curious operand along with that first parameter, pag... (by LsDefect)
Time keeper...Help
Hello. I already wrote a working program checking to see if a number is prime through primal testing. Now I am tasked with adding a clock to tell how long diff...
[4 replies] Last: How to use code tags: (by JLBorges)
Errors with '{' ';' ')' signs
so I am trying to write a code to print to screen a diagonal line using MACROs and keep getting errors with the signs listed above. can anyone help figure out...
[3 replies] Last: The error is a good one, use the scanf_s function like it says :+) ... (by TheIdeasMan)
How can I continue the process and print out their process ids?
So far my program is working, but I need my program to continue with 9 more processes indicating process 2 is the parent of process 3 and process 3 is the paren...
[1 reply] : Don't double post, it's waste of everybodys time - http://www.cplusplu... (by TarikNeaj)
Password Cracker Issue
This is a recreational project perfectly within the conatraints of the law. With that out of the way, I have an issue with comparing the correct password to ...
[6 replies] Last: On an issue related to the OP's code, but not the problem he sought to... (by cire)
Function Pointer Help
Hi, I'm trying to reference a function using a function pointer. Any help is appreciated. The problem might be simple but I'm not seeing it. http://pastebin....
[4 replies] Last: That seems like a very misleading error message, which makes me think ... (by cire)
Any FABRIK implementation advice/code?
So I've been given the task of implementing a forward and backward reaching inverse kinematics algorithm onto just a simple set of connected shapes. So far its ...
[no replies]
by dala
Programming projects
I need a help with my Programming projects can anyone help me please?
[2 replies] Last: don't worry, i can give u a project designed by me....look's (by sushil9469)
by Kubani
How to be a programmer of many programming languages
Hi guys, It is 2 or 3 years that I'm dealing with C++. I have heard that almost about 10 years hard work is needed to be a real C++ programmer, an expert. Ap...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys. (by Kubani)
How to get private member pointer?
class A { private: std::string a1_str_; std::string a2_str_; }; Although the following code is illeagal, but I want to use it to ill...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> class A { ... (by JLBorges)
passing variable through std::array function prototype
How do I program the function prototype to have a variable element size so I can pass arrays of different sizes through the function? void fx_sort_array(a...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, it is a serious question. I think its quite possible the question... (by technologist)
My First Program
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() int key = 1; do { int from; int to; double value; cout << "Temperature converter" << endl <<...
[3 replies] Last: @Ahmed Khalid if you'd rather not get posts like the above ^, you shou... (by guatemala007)
Program runs up to the last function then gives a terminate message
My last function is not working. This function appends a literal string to a C string. It checks if there is enough space in the C string to append the literal ...
[1 reply] : char* s3 s3 is a pointer. You should pass another parameter to check... (by AcarX)
C++ Library Download ?
Hi. I'm new to this community, if you don't recognize me. I just quit using Visual Studio because it is cumbersome and it had an error with not compiling a solu...
[8 replies] Last: Actually, Visual Studio is working again :). Thanks for all the help.... (by demoylan)
LinkedList Help needed
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. I am normally clueless in programming but I got through the classes somehow just knowing the theory. I can't exactly progra...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, I will try to understand what you mean and I will try to le... (by tomandjerry7861)
Program is running but cannot open text file
Hi coders. I am writing a college project. The program is compiling fine but it wont create an fstream object to take input and enter to "Land_registration.txt"...
[7 replies] Last: Wooow ! Thanx Thomas ! That was wonderful indeed. There has been powe... (by Mwangi Elijah)
How to initialise structures in this code
if parentCell.type==CSC: r = uniform(0,1); if(r<ALPHA): childCell.type=CSC else: ...
[1 reply] : Pls I request you to give me the source code for this.Its urgent. Pls... (by TarikNeaj)
data abstraction[update and clarification]
i know there is some generic topic about the data abstraction in this forum,as i find out you guys just said data abstraction is the function interface that hid...
[1 reply] : reply anyone? (by mike9407)
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