General C++ Programming - January 2016 (Page 3)

variadic constructor?
Hi, I have a variadic template factory function that accepts an unknown number of arguments. This is supposed to call a private constructor, but I don't know...
[3 replies] Last: if you omit the forward, you might be copying where you could have mov... (by Cubbi)
by pnoid
Assertion failed error with opencv
I'm trying to select a region of an image with opencv but I randomly get this assertion failed error: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (y == 0 || (data && dims ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much. I can't believe I missed that. (by pnoid)
Convert temperature between celsius and fahrenheit
I am supposed to write a program that allows the user to convert a temperature either from celsius to fahrenheit or fahrenheit to celsius and use separate funct...
[2 replies] Last: You have several issues with your code: 1. You are calling functions... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Testing a bad allocation?
I want to test some of the exception handling in my program, but it's hard to do. I will almost never have a bad allocation. Is there a way to debug in the spe...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=keanedawg]I want to test some of the exception handling in my p... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
making a lambda template...
Hi, I wanted to create a template lambda so that I do not have to re-define this behaviour for each possible type.. like so: ///// want to avoid this: ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, yes I know I can use a function object... but, I wanted to see how... (by JUAN DENT)
distance between two atoms
Dear all, I am newbie in programming language, especially in C++. My problem is the following: i would like to read an external .txt file which contains th...
[10 replies] Last: in case I will paste here the piece of code Please, use code tags. S... (by keskiverto)
From structure to array
Hi. i have this code and I want to put all the information input into an array and find the highest salary input. How could I do it? Thanks. struct person ...
[4 replies] Last: Okay thanks! I even found the min value of the salary! Thanks a lot! (by michellee)
linked list
linked list need copy constructor?
[2 replies] Last: Bjarne Stroustrup: Why you should avoid Linked Lists https://www.yout... (by Thomas1965)
Program that turns decimal base to any base from 2-16 gives reverse number
Hello! I am trying to make a program that turns any number with decimal base in number with any base from 2-16, but the program I have written gives me the numb...
[2 replies] Last: Another option would itoa. (by Thomas1965)
by bambam
Finding Mode with no Arrays!
Hi guys, noob programmer here, so anyway, my professor gave us an assignment this week and i'm just stumped on it - i'm sure it's a really simple solution, cuz ...
[4 replies] Last: If possible, please post the exact text of the assignment. I suspect ... (by dhayden)
by Kubani
a strange pointer error
Hi, Would you please have a look at this simple code (its name is test1 )? I don't know why my VS 2015 compiler gives an error :( #include <iostream> using ...
[3 replies] Last: runs it successfully! This code has no successful behaviour,... (by Moschops)
by a10e29
raw pointer to unique_ptr
Hello, Is it possible to convert a raw pointer to a unique_ptr? If so how would I do that? Thanks in advance
[1 reply] : Hi, Not sure about converting, but a unique_ptr can own a pointer... (by TheIdeasMan)
Psuedorandom Code generator
javascript:tx('Having some difficulties with a program. The purpose of the program is to generate psuedorandom numbers. The first set of numbers is random. T...
[2 replies] Last: - Why not use constructor initialiser lists? (by integralfx)
Volume of cone using structures and pointers
Im writing a program about calculating the volume of a cone using pointers and structures. Here are the directions: ----------------------------------------...
[2 replies] Last: - Your input prototype doesn't match your implementation. //void i... (by integralfx)
Using C++ for experiment
Hi, I need to get this code to ask for the initial speed, omega. I understand it would need a prinf statement followed by scanf, but do not know what to include...
[11 replies] Last: Hi, according to our lecturer we have to have it starting with the #in... (by lillybug)
using merge from the algorithm library
Could use some help trying to implement these two vectors using merge I get an error on line 28...i got back_inserter from some sight i was researching -A...
[5 replies] Last: If you can't be bothered to post the actual error messages (preferably... (by cire)
by Kubani
Creating graphical apps in C++
Hi all, If we want to create Android and iOS apps and also be able to create Windows apps as well as apps for cross-platform systems like various devices and...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry I don't have any detailed info on Qt and I don't know these. Do... (by Thomas1965)
expected primary-expression before ')' token
im a beginner programmer in c++ and i am haveing this problem and dont know what to do.(last line) the code: #inclu...
[7 replies] Last: Then add the missing braces after line 78. I can't do it for you. (by coder777)
Merge sort
I want to do a half merge sort, that will start from the elements of the vector What i want to do: ->Organize the elements from lower to highest How will I d...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags when posting code. Highlight the code and press ... (by dhayden)
by Quark
An implementation issue: Polymorphic types and separate compilation (1,2)
Hi there, I have a problem that is not related to how C++ is seen from the ISO standard point of view (external) but this is an implementation issue (internal)...
[36 replies] Last: There is no interoperability between binaries compiled by different ... (by helios)
January 2016 Pages: 12345... 18
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