I need help to create a function() in QT5 using QString to check if a sentence is a palindrome and must say Yes if it is and no if it is not. important it must NOT be case sensitive
e.g) Sam I am is not a palindrome.
e.g) All for one and one for all is a palindrome.
I have been stuck on this for 4 days now and all the examples I find don't work with QT5 QString and only checks if one word is a palindrome.
Instead of trying to find an example that you can just copy, try to understand the algorithm and then try to write it yourself with QString. If there is something you don't know how to do with a QString (e.g. getting the length of the string or accessing a certain character) just look it up, in the documentation or elsewhere.
I have been on that site so many times, work better (learn better) from examples as I can physically see where what is used and is found. when I read these generic codes it does not make any sense to me
First of all, how is a "palindrome" for a sentence defined exactly?
Wikipedia shows us these examples:
Madam, I’m Adam.
A man, a plan, a canal – Panama.
Never odd or even.
Not only character case is ignored, but also spaces and "special" characters are completely ignored!
So, first of all, you will have to create a "normalized" version of the given input string, in which spaces and "special" characters have been removed, and all characters have been converted to lower case.
Then you can reverse the "normalized" string and compare it to the non-reversed "normalized" string.
all the examples I find don't work with QT5 QString
I suspect these were either for c using null-terminated chars or for C++ using std::string - not using QT's non-standard string class.
To check that a string is a palindrome, there is no need to reverse. Have two pointers - one to beginning, one to end. Check that both pointers-to chars are the same. If yes, the inc the begin pointer and dec the end pointer and check again. Repeat until either they are equal or end is less then begin pointer. Easy in c++ with std::string using .begin() and .rbegin() (or indexes).
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
usingnamespace std;
vector<string> split( const string &str )
// Keep spaces, alphabetic chars and numbers only
stringstream ss;
for ( char c : str )
if ( isspace( c ) || isalnum( c ) ) ss << (char)tolower( c );
// Split into words
vector<string> result;
for ( string word; ss >> word; ) result.push_back( word );
return result;
bool isWordPalindrome( const vector<string> &words )
for ( int i = 0, j = words.size() - 1; i < j; i++, j-- )
if ( words[i] != words[j] ) returnfalse;
int main()
string tests[] = { "Sam I am", "ALL FOR ONE <and> one for all!", "one two three" };
for ( string &s : tests ) cout << '"' << s << '"' << ( isWordPalindrome( split( s ) ) ? " is " : " is not " ) << "a word palindrome\n";
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& str) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (unsignedchar c : str)
if (isspace(c) || isalnum(c))
ss << static_cast<char>(tolower(c));
std::vector<std::string> words;
for (std::string word; ss >> word; words.push_back(std::move(word)));
return words;
bool isWordPalindrome(const std::vector<std::string>& words) {
for (size_t b {}, e {words.size() - 1}; b < e; ++b, --e)
if (words[b] != words[e])
int main() {
const std::string sents[] {"Sam I am", "ALL FOR ONE 'and' one for all!"};
for (constauto& s : sents)
std::cout << std::quoted(s) << " is " << (isWordPalindrome(split(s)) ? "" : "not ") << "a word palindrome\n";
I have been on that site so many times, work better (learn better) from examples as I can physically see where what is used and is found. when I read these generic codes it does not make any sense to me
That is totally understandable but you implied you had already found examples so I thought you could learn from those. Being able to look at text descriptions, pseudo code, examples, etc. and then use that to code something slightly different that suits your needs is a valuable skill to learn. You will not always find exact instructions for how to do things.
Peter87 (10262)
DayleCom wrote:
I have been on that site so many times, work better (learn better) from examples as I can physically see where what is used and is found. when I read these generic codes it does not make any sense to me
That is totally understandable but you implied you had already found examples so I thought you could learn from those. Being able to look at text descriptions, pseudo code, examples, etc. and then use that to code something slightly different that suits your needs is a valuable skill to learn. You will not always find exact instructions for how to do things.
All the examples that I have found only work through a normal editor, but we need to do it in QT4 and we have to use QString, it seems to work differently.
when I read these generic codes it does not make any sense to me
It is usually ease-ish to read and get some understanding from looking at generic codes to see the basis of the algorithm. Once you have an understanding of that, then you can concentrate on the implementation details for the specific language required. It is often fairly easy to turn these generic codes into a program of the required language - even if that is not then the 'best' implementation. Once you done that and understand that, then start using language-specific features to 'fine-tune' the code for that language. But the understanding should come first and is the most important.
If you know the 'method' of determining whether is palindrome or not, then you should be able to express that 'method' in the required language - and be able to extend that 'method' to cover various situations which may not be covered by the 'generic' base code.
In explaining how to develop a 'method' to solve various problems, my preferred book is How To Solve It By Computer by R. G. Dromey. It goes into quite detailed explanations as to how various methods are developed. Unfortunately it is quite an old book (1982) and the code is based upon Pascal (which was a dominant language back then) - but IMO it's an 'easy' read.
QString has QChar, which in turn has QChar::isLetter(), QChar::toLower(), etc.
Perhaps QString::append() and/or some reverse iterators for more fun.
Oh, and the std::reverse() ...
def isReversible( sentence ):
sl = sentence.lower().split()
return sl == sl[::-1]
tests = [ "Sam I am", "All for one and one for all" ]
for s in tests: print( s, "===>", isReversible( s ) )
Sam I am ===> False
All for one and one for all ===> True
Needs the C++ versions to obliterate punctuation, though.