User: kigar64551

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User profile: kigar64551

User info
User name:kigar64551
Number of posts:803
Latest posts:

Crowdstrike BSOD
[b]Yet another[/b] example of "security appliances" being the actual root cause of major system outa...

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[quote]*** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated[/quote] So, yeah, this confirms that yo...

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Quite possible a previous error corrupted the stack and now it will crash on return. Try running th...

Convert binary to base 58
It seems they simply use a different mapping of the characters 😏 Just change code from above: ht...

txt file to vector giving wrong values
This could be done by using [b][code]<regex>[/code][/b] to split the lines 😎 In the following ex...

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