dumb question

Is <cstring> considered using the C++ library string? I think I may have messed up.
No. Header <cstring> declares C library's functions for operating with C-strings (null-terminated arrays of char)
See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/

The <string> header defines C++ class std::string
See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/
Ok, so technically if I'm not allowed to use C++ library, I'm good?
Well, cstring is a C++ library.


It began life as a C library, and wound up part of C++.

If the intent of your assignment is for you to create an array of char and manually operate on it, then using the functions provided in cstring would be out of bounds.
Based off the other thread, Repeater is correct, you probably are expected to make your own strlen (or similar) function, by looping over a char array until the arr[i] == '\0'.
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:( thanks for the info. That hurt lol
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