by alexas
free memory (0xc0000005)
[5 replies] Last: yes, anyone using ** as a parameter to a function has created a monste... (by jonnin)
by hdcpp64
C++ best practice of defining database and time variables
[1 reply] : it sounds like you need an object that handles the database connection... (by jonnin)
by lindsayy
why my code doesnt work(trying to delete element in array)
[2 replies] Last: You can't delete on an array like numbers. It's not recommended that ... (by seeplus)
by whowhatwhy
Something to do
[7 replies] Last: @ lastchance using PE67 = lastchance.ProjectEuler.Solution67.Algo... (by TheIdeasMan)
Stroustrup - Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ - If Statement Weirdness |
[5 replies] Last: Responding to "trying to stay with what has been covered so far in the... (by Ganado)
by codingfun
Question About C++ Stoi Function
[15 replies] Last: I am using Code Blocks to run my code, and I have the C++ 17.12 versi... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by mxkxx
number and letters
[1 reply] : hello! i would like to ask how to input like a code, a number with le... (by lastchance)
by hdcpp64
C++ sqlite3 check if a value exists in table
[5 replies] Last: @seeplus Yes, this worked and it is better! I was using rc for SQLITE... (by hdcpp64)
by seeplus
[1 reply] : @ seeplus It was spam, I deleted it. (by TheIdeasMan)
by hdcpp64
Pass multiple string functions into another function
[13 replies] Last: @ mbozzi TheIdeasMan->ThingsLearnt++; Will learn to read properly... (by TheIdeasMan)
by domweng
How to check if a guess matches an index of array or just a value
[9 replies] Last: Solved it thank you so much! (by domweng)
by learner999
Sorting the elements in vector
[1 reply] : write the comparison function for standard sort to use this alternativ... (by jonnin)
Program help with TUDs (total unique digit counter) |
[19 replies] Last: my professor does not allow anything outside of cin and cout, so usin... (by seeplus)
by pidea
c function to used in cpp file
[1 reply] : Post your real code and real error messages. Not paraphrased and edite... (by salem c)
by philip9621
Undefined reference to Line2D()
[11 replies] Last: Its a performance hit if you are doing a LOT of things or real time gr... (by jonnin)
by Shervan360
Float pointer to int - C
[5 replies] Last: c++ is more strongly typed. you just need a cast: p = (int*)&x; this ... (by jonnin)
by macgyver1991
conversion contacts in txt file
[6 replies] Last: Problem solved. Thank you both for help. (by macgyver1991)
by Shervan360
Error when define virtual method in C++
[5 replies] Last: The actual error is : 48:29: error: no 'bool Undergraduate::authStu(... (by TheIdeasMan)
Beginning C++ |
[8 replies] Last: Ouch. (by zapshe)
by Raees224
Error 0133
[6 replies] Last: This one big lines of code isnt in one file. I just made it like this ... (by Raees224)