Beginners - March 2021 (Page 4)

Help on if divisible by parameters?
So I'm doing an assignment where the falling distance increases by five into the table and it stops once it's hit the inputted falling time. I have it working f...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much! (by domweng)
Word Replacement Bug
I am writing a program that is replacing words in vector<english> with vector<pirate> in a user input phrase. However, the first letter is always cut off on the...
[3 replies] Last: There's also issues re signed/unsigned numbers. Perhaps: #include <... (by seeplus)
error at cast of void ptr
// compiles with -lfltk #include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/Fl_Window.H> #include <FL/Fl_Button.H> #include <FL/Fl_Widget.H> #include <cstdlib> void ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, that works. (by nuderobmonkey)
Strings, String Processing and fileIO
Hi, this is my first time here in this website I'm just curious if someone will reply with an answer using c code. Thanks in advance if ever you reply Write a ...
[3 replies] Last: -seeplus -jonnin Hi guys sorry for the late reply, I never thought som... (by Ancientgear101)
Initialization of hash table
I'm trying to implement a hash table with vectors. Using separate chaining to solve the collision. Here is the code: #include <cassert> #include <iostrea...
[4 replies] Last: If you compile as C++17, the easiest way is to inline the static defin... (by seeplus)
String Array (1,2)
Hello. I am a beginner in C++. I am doing a coding where there will be a menu for selection and after selecting the food the user want, it will be shown in a re...
[25 replies] Last: For another way to do menus, consider this. It uses an array of menu t... (by seeplus)
C++ help for beginner!
Hi, so i'm new to programming. This is my first course! So i'm new and still learning. I feel like I'm heading the right direction but I could be wrong. I don'...
[3 replies] Last: Consider: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> ... (by seeplus)
remove & remove_if ?
Hi, I have been learning from tutorials from pluralsight, and thought all was going well until I started to read through the STL book and read something I think...
[3 replies] Last: std::remove() and std::remove_if() both return an iterator to the elem... (by seeplus)
by solo88
tic tac toe game acting weird
hello... i'm trying to code a simple tic tac toe game. i use a class and oop and i coded the first condition for winning however if both players choose same sq...
[6 replies] Last: :D hello thank you for helping me today i finished the game (so i hope... (by solo88)
by kmce
operator << overload not working
I have code that I have copied from a tutorial i am learning from. In the tutorial the code is working fine, but for me it is not, and i can not figure out why....
[1 reply] : You only defined the function to print a std::set<Point2D>, but you al... (by helios)
for loop excluding some values
Hello everyone, I want to assign a value to a component of an array by excluding some of indices vector<int>save; for (int o = 0; o < nbOdds; ++o) { ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello Jonnin, Thank you so much .Not exactly ,actually it is y mista... (by learner999)
by skcpp
Copy Constructor
Why is that when declaring a copy constructor, the object being passed as argument to that constructor is (1) passed by reference using "&", and (2) the instant...
[4 replies] Last: (2) Aren't we typecasting obj to be of type MyClass, and if so, why u... (by keskiverto)
by hbcpp
Change windows taskbar Icon background color
I want to set my program task icon background color to red indicating an error has occurred. Like in the pic in this link: https://ddgobkiprc33d.cloudfront.n...
[6 replies] Last: @agent max Thanks anyway. (by hbcpp)
by emcp
attempting first static thread_local not compiling
I am following a book that is attempting to teach me concurrency. I have gotten the example code in the book and matching github... but I find it usually doesn...
[3 replies] Last: thank you seeplus. I took your advice finally (been slammed by things... (by emcp)
by abuh
please help me
i want to Update the program to add a menu for choosing the operation (Search Data, Add a Record, Update Data, Quit) ....... #include<iostream> #include<...
[2 replies] Last: abuh , PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button to the right ... (by JRManx)
Complier Error Help
Im trying to build this program for class but CLion gives me this error. /Applications/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, I just got done reinstalling my OS so hopefully that fill fix... (by jadolby7)
array of vectors
I want to create an array of vectors, in each vector there are stored integers. Here in the code the hashBucket and table are defined. But i dont know how to wr...
[4 replies] Last: Visual Studio 2019's Intellisense flags an error without even trying t... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by wpe
Repeating Program, bool input twice
Hello, I have been making a number guessing game for a homework assignment, and so far it works wonderfully. However, I have been having a problem in regards to...
[2 replies] Last: Turns out the answer was to remove all standalone retry() calls, so th... (by wpe)
Change Date
#pragma once #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include <ctime> namespace CppCLRWinformsProjekt { using namespace System; using namespace System::...
[3 replies] Last: I found the answer. I just to erase initialitation of d2,m2,y2 from vo... (by mechatronicb)
class operator + overloading only partially working
'm trying to overload the + operator in my derived class unorderedSet (the base class is unorderedArrayListType, then arrayListType) to input (not add) the uni...
[5 replies] Last: Dutch and ne555, thanks for pointing out that I needed the assignment ... (by icewizardwo323)
March 2021 Pages: 123456... 13
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