Beginners - February 2015 (Page 6)

Array Problem
Hello guys, why does this code not print sword? I thought that arrays start counting at 0, that's why I did not increment numberOfItems for the first element. ...
[2 replies] Last: Instead of this: items = "sword"; items[numberOfItems++] = "armor";... (by Bogeyman)
help with creating code for conversion of ounces to cups then cups to pints
if someone could help me, these are the requirements: 1. all functions must be below the main program 2. cannot perform Math in your cout statement ...
[7 replies] Last: Haha, thank you! I'm glad I could help you, and help your classmates:)... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
So here I am, I know PHP, C#, JS... To name a few. I've wanted to learn C++ for a long long time. Just this week I sat down determined to get into it. I would r...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestion, but... I am using the release of Orwell Dev... (by samishii23)
by Atton
A few errors with code
I have been having a few errors with code sourced online. By any chance does anyone know how to remove these errors while still making the code functional. h...
[3 replies] Last: It compiles fine thanks. (by Atton)
How to rename a file?
The part of code where I rename the file just won't work. I tried writing it separately in another project, it works. And yes, I've tried closing "myfile" befor...
[7 replies] Last: (by rafae11)
Unknown answer to an Activity
Hi, we had an activity at school days ago about entering a gender and continuously inputting the gender until a specified gender was entered. To be exact, this ...
[4 replies] Last: Wow, no wonder that code didn't work. She tends to give activities whi... (by Cplusplus321)
by koopey
password authentication logic!
Hi everyone! every time i come up with password authentication logic, later i find a bug in it which would result in access even if login info is wrong(in cert...
[1 reply] : (by rafae11)
This code isn't working properly
Hello everyone, can someone please help me with my code I am trying to run. I am trying to find a solution on why this file is freezes when I run it. Accord...
[4 replies] Last: The idea was to replace the do-while loops that you where using, with ... (by ne555)
by c1885
convert char to string
I read this post: I want to convert a randomly generated char to a string then compare it to a string as a test f...
[3 replies] Last: Nice post. Thanks for the help! This is sloppy. I'll clean it up. ... (by c1885)
What's wrong with my code
Hello everyone, can someone please help me with my code I am trying to run. I am trying to find a solution on why this file is freezes when I run it. Accordin...
[2 replies] Last: Please see (by ultifinitus)
by Marra
Help pls
Hello everyone, can someone please help me with my code I am trying to run. I am trying to find a solution on why this file is freezes when I run it. Accordin...
[1 reply] : (by ultifinitus)
says I need a ")" when i already have one ?
(11) error: expected `)' before ';' token (11) error: expected primary-expression before ')' token (11) error: expected `;' before ')' token (27) error: expe...
[2 replies] Last: You have a semicolon after your definition of DUMMYVALUE you also ha... (by ultifinitus)
by SVcpp
Please help trace through the logic of for loops!
I found myself stuck in some code I'm writing and could use another set of eyes on it. I commented what should be happening within the code and I really hope yo...
[3 replies] Last: No wasted time here, glad you figured it out! (by ultifinitus)
Making the user guess the correct number
So I'm suppose to keep asking the user to guess a number between 1 and 10 until the user enters a 4. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main...
[1 reply] : Line 10: How can that while condition ever be true? What number is b... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help me!
How do I write void arrange? and how do I declare dispValues? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void askValues(int x,int y,int z); void arran...
[no replies]
two separate issues one return error the other validation problem.
I want to put in Validation to only allow the account number to be 4 digits ONLY Program ALLOWS less than 4 digits. I am not able to find what the problem is...
[3 replies] Last: Look at the two message lines at the bottom of your screenshot. The... (by AbstractionAnon)
Finding number of possible combinations with recursion.
Hello! I'm pretty new to programming, and I'm trying to understand how I would write a recursive function that counts the possible combinations of steps one mi...
[11 replies] Last: We have a case which doesn't match the Fib sequence either way we seed... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
What am I doing wrong
Okay, so I am working on a project and here is one of the questions 1. Write a program that calculates the number of huge, large, medium, and small containers...
[4 replies] Last: I actually checked back at my video lessons and solved it myself but t... (by AmptheWaldo)
by abc456
how to fix this program?
[no replies]
Computing a number of Sub Sets Recursively
So, I have a program here that, when given an array, its size, and a target number, it calculates the number of integer combinations (sub sets) that will produc...
[no replies]
February 2015 Pages: 1... 45678... 52
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