Beginners - February 2012 (Page 3)

Nested for loops
how would I write this program using nested for loops 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 3...
[no replies]
by Jynks
Is it possible to move the coursor in the console?
So I am doing some console exercises, and would like to make then a little bit nicer to look at the out put.. Isn't it possible to move the courser inside th...
[1 reply] : for example, clear screen & print everything on the screen + your modi... (by timmyyyyy)
dynamic memory read loop error
I am trying to read data into an array of structs (each with two strings and one int), and my read loop stops at the second element of the second structure. Any...
[no replies]
Help plz
k so im doing this assignment that if u enter the coordinates of a shape it displays it filled in with "*", i just cant figure out how to do that. I made a prog...
[no replies]
How to access a method without creating a class object
I have a class BearingX which inherits from a class named Domain. Domain has a private variable "time" and a public method getCurrentTime() which returns the pr...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you guys for help. I finally had to define a method which retur... (by maksins)
How would I declare the print functions for this mess? Sorry for the length, professor is weird and likes one file #include <iostream> using std::cout; u...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=FlashDrive]I think that you don't have to change anything, beca... (by ne555)
Sorting a 2D array?
I am trying to sort an 2-Dimensional array, but I want to sort it based on the greatest number in a certain column of that array, and depending on what row that...
[7 replies] Last: Sorry for my delayed response everyone! (by Meecrob)
My class is not doing what I want.
I expect the program to run and say this... My name is Bob! FEAR ME! I have 100 health! I can move at 5 MILES PER HOUR!!! ==============================...
[6 replies] Last: he can explain it to me when i see him, will be way better (by andrix10)
help with simple code
Hey i just got a book called "beginning C++ through game programming" i am trying to follow trough the book and write out all of the examples to get the most o...
[7 replies] Last: i thought i did... hmm ok well that solved the issue i must have opene... (by russd772)
Help with Array of Pointers!!
Hello everyone. I am new to C++ and have a HW assignment that involves pointers and arrays. I am very confused by pointers and I have no idea how to proceed. ...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks for all the replies. I fooled around with ti quite a bit and g... (by iolement)
Translate English words to French
Hi, I need help writing a program that allows you to read an English-French dictionary into two arrays. The English words are stored in one file alphabetically ...
[9 replies] Last: Some of the information you need is in the references I posted (inc. s... (by andywestken)
by zaone
And && or ||
Hi! Don't know if this has been asked before, but I'd like to know if there's any difference between 'and' and '&&','or' and '||'. Thanks!
[3 replies] Last: and && or || not ! not_eq != bitand & and_eq &= bitor | or_eq |= xo... (by ne555)
i created a header file for class, it contains add() function save it as a abc.h.i created abc.cpp file which contains a defination of add function.if i include...
[7 replies] Last: why it is showing add function as a undefined reference.. Undefine... (by Moschops)
Loop - But which kind?
Hey guys. I have a another problem, but I can't fix this one. I've tried for hours. I'm going to post 2 pieces of code. I need "If this condition is met, then g...
[1 reply] : [co de] "Please use code tags" [/co de] create a graph. Then you j... (by ne555)
declaration error
What have I done wrong? (wizard.cpp) #include <iostream> #include "wizard.h" #include "main.h" using namespace std; void player::play_card() { ...
[2 replies] Last: oh, thank you a lot ^^ (by FlashDrive)
Retrieving a character at X , Y
It's basically what the title says. I am making a console program and want help. How can I get a character somewhere on the screen? Like, get the char that is a...
[19 replies] Last: There is nothing wrong with your goto function. They are confusing ... (by cnoeval)
by seppel
ambiguous call to overloaded function
Hi Folks The following call to max(.) creates the error mentioned in the topic template <class T> void Vec<T>::grow() { // when growing, allocate twic...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks again to vlad from mosow! (by seppel)
Giving "callable" names to object array
Hey guys, so I'm doing C++ at my school but it's independent study and thus I've been making up my own projects. On this particular one I've hit a roadbloc...
[10 replies] Last: That's perfect, thanks everyone :D (by agentredfield)
Creating gui's with C++
I am learning C++ and one of the things I want to be able to do is to create simple gui's. (Coding the gui, not using a designer...if that helps here.) I'm a...
[3 replies] Last: QT is a complete cross-platform application framework. (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by mozly
Pointers not working
So I have a C program for my homework where I have to update a some values using a truth table. Here is the code for it. The problem is that when I update th...
[1 reply] : Q2 is pointed to by Q0 in MyStateMachine. (by Peter87)
February 2012 Pages: 12345... 64
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