Loop - But which kind?

Hey guys. I have a another problem, but I can't fix this one. I've tried for hours. I'm going to post 2 pieces of code. I need "If this condition is met, then go back to where i == 0". I'll show you.

while ( i == 0)
if (strcmp(userInput, north) == 0)
cout << "\nYou walk north!\n";
i == 1;
else if (strcmp(userInput, south) == 0)
cout << "\nYou walk south!\n";
i == 2;
else if (strcmp(userInput, east) == 0)
cout << "\nYou walk east!\n";
i == 3;
else if (strcmp(userInput, west) == 0)
cout << "\nYou walk west!\n";
i == 4;
cout << "You must enter a Direction Command!\n";

So this is my first piece of code.
Here is my second.

cout << "You arrive upon a scary looking cave.\n";
cout << "Will you go inside?\nType IN to go inside, or type the SOUTH command to go back to where you started.\n";
cin >> userInput;

if (strcmp(userInput, in) == 0)
cout << "\n\nYou walk into the cave very cautiously!\n";
cout << "\nAs fast as a cheetah, an Ogre jumps out and slashes at your face!";
i == 5;
else if (strcmp(userInput, south) == 0)
cout << "\nYou walk south!\n";
i == --i;
}while ( i == 1 );

Whenever the (strcmp(userInput, south) == 0) it shows the user "You walk south!". But at that point in time, I need it to jump back to the first piece of code. Help me please!
[code] "Please use code tags" [/code]
create a graph. Then you just follow the links.
enum direction{NORTH, WEST, SOUTH, EAST};
struct node{
  std::string description;
  node *neighbours[4];
  void event(player&);
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