Beginners - February 2012 (Page 64)

Choosing a good c++ book...
I want to start learning c++, so I want to find a good book for a start. I heard of a book called C++ How to program for Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Is this ...
[9 replies] Last: (by nickoolsayz)
by kapo
fraction class help
line 66 error: call of overloaded 'abs(int&)' is ambiguous #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Fraction{ ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks Disch ^_^ (by kapo)
by pzling
Function Pointers and Classes
Hi I'm trying to implement a class in order to use function pointers to replace the previous enum-switch structure. This has been done by embedding the funct...
[13 replies] Last: so int argc, char *argv isn't actually necessary for the above pro... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
counting tokens
hi, i'm just beginning to learn about the string tokenizer (strtok). is there a way that i can count the tokens so that i may compare tokens? eg. "this is a ...
[3 replies] Last: you can make an array of strings to store them in. (by kapo)
What is a compiler? How do you put sound graphics coding and all that other stuff togather if you were making a game? If you make the code for a game how does...
[4 replies] Last: I don't even think they really want to make games. They just think ... (by cnoeval)
by co1ote
using namespace std;
Hi, I want to know why we use this in all codes. I know that in this namespace are some entities we use in our programs, but where I can find exactly who ar...
[11 replies] Last: I google and found it: (by co1ote)
Maths program for hw help?
So I'm using this very simple code for hw yet it dosen't seem to work...any ideas why? #include <iostream> int main(void) { std::cout; std::cin; cout << "...
[3 replies] Last: yeah, I think you may need the using namespace std (by J0nathan)
written assignmet
I am looking for a private tutor which could give me some private lessons for structure and write my assignments. I am donig a BA education studies degree and I...
[2 replies] Last: We even try to avoid Global Variables around here. Global Dimensio... (by cnoeval)
by Apd904
Trying to output a calendar month next to the first, not under
I'm trying to create a year calendar but it has to be 3 across and 4 down, is there a term that i can use instead of endl that will move the cursor to the top a...
[9 replies] Last: No, make a 2d array type just big enough to write one of the calendars... (by Duthomhas)
call C libraries from within nested folder
Hi experts I have a little issue with the gcc compiler suppose you have two files library.c and library.h and you want to use them within your main.c file Y...
[3 replies] Last: You should tell it to compile it. You can compile files as the same pr... (by LB)
mysql cppconn and pthreads
Hi folks, There's something that's just not clear to me about the proper way to use the mysql cppconn library for making multiple (let's say 10 or less) conc...
[1 reply] : bumping up for current visibility because i moved the post between thr... (by brneuro)
by Maiels
There is this algorithm I have to make 1 2 1 1 5 6 1 1 9 10 ..... what is the rule of the algorythm to do this ?
[2 replies] Last: Maybe always after 2 chars there are two '1's . (by co1ote)
by Ben72
Need help in Bubble_Sorting in Array
Hello I need help to complete bubble sort in array for customers telephone names. This is what I have done, I need help to cout it Before_Name and After_Name ...
[3 replies] Last: string Customer *x , This makes no sense to me. I imagine x is su... (by Gaminic)
How do I start to create graphical programs (OpenGL?)
I've been programming some RPG mechanics in C++, relying on the cmd box and therefore being limited to creating roguelike or text adventure games. I'm starting ...
[15 replies] Last: Just pushing this up again: Did some investigation, and apparently SFM... (by hanst99)
vector in a vector
I have a reservation system, I have a 3 vectors. a User vector, a Bookings vector, and a Reservation vector. The Bookings vector needs to be in the User vect...
[1 reply] : Make the bookings vector an object in the reservation vector. class ... (by Stewbond)
outFile declaration
I am working with multiple files that each have functions with 'cout' statements which I have changed to outFile. Can I declare outFile globally in main and ha...
[1 reply] : Can I declare outFile globally in main and have 'extern' in all of th... (by histrungalot)
data files
Hey Guys i need your input here.. I created a data file example.dat which looks like: 34 12 14 23 23 54 2 32 67 1 56 7 12 2 67 Then i created a program that ...
[3 replies] Last: Here: for (i=1 ;i=3; i++) { for (j=1;j=3; j++) { ... (by roberts)
by xsemel
why wont the program terminate
so i have this program...simple thing. it just gives the base factors and every other factors to a number. it all works fine, except it wont do the last line of...
[5 replies] Last: i just figured it out. thanks for the help. while (x < z) basically ... (by xsemel)
integer splitter with no strings
Question #1: Integer Variables (8 pts) Write a program that prompts the user for a 5 digit integer, reads the user input into a single integer variable and dis...
[13 replies] Last: i figured it out a different way, now i have another problem..... Wri... (by tommydido)
by Milun
Problem passing Dynamically Allocated 2D array to function.
Hello, and thanks in advance. I have a program that loads an array from an external file, like so: color *room ; //Read file. ifstream ...
[6 replies] Last: Um... well I did what you said. And now it only sometimes crashes. Whe... (by Milun)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 626364
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