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template <class Alloc> struct allocator_traits;
member type | definition in unspecialized allocator_traits |
allocator_type | the template parameter (Alloc) |
value_type | allocator_type::value_type |
pointer | allocator_type::pointer (if defined) value_type* (otherwise) |
const_pointer | allocator_type::const_pointer (if defined) pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const value_type> (otherwise) |
void_pointer | allocator_type::void_pointer (if defined) pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<void> (otherwise) |
const_void_pointer | allocator_type::const_void_pointer (if defined) pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const void> (otherwise) |
difference_type | allocator_type::difference_type (if defined) pointer_traits<pointer>::difference_type (otherwise) |
size_type | allocator_type::size_type (if defined) make_unsigned<difference_type>::type (otherwise) |
propagate_on_container_copy_assignment | allocator_type::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment (if defined) false_type (otherwise) |
propagate_on_container_move_assignment | allocator_type::propagate_on_container_move_assignment (if defined) false_type (otherwise) |
propagate_on_container_swap | allocator_type::propagate_on_container_swap (if defined) false_type (otherwise) |
rebind_alloc<T> | allocator_type::rebind<T>::other (if defined) AllocTemplate<T,Args> (if Alloc is an instantiation of the form AllocTemplate<U,Args>, where Args are zero or more type arguments) * Note: this is an alias template |
rebind_traits<T> | allocator_traits<rebind_alloc<T>> * Note: this is an alias template |
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