Beginners - November 2020 (Page 4)

Random String Selection From Library
I would like to use "cout" to display a randomly selected string from a library. For my specific project I would like to randomly generate a first name for a ga...
[2 replies] Last: auto rand {std::mt19937 {std::random_device {}()}}; auto randNo {std... (by seeplus)
Recursively replace chars in a string
This function recursively replaces every instance of the char "-" in the string "-h-e-l-l-o-", with the char " ". After running the code it gave me a segmentati...
[3 replies] Last: Unless this is an exercise using recursion, this is an extremely ineff... (by seeplus)
Quick question about difference between vectors and lists
Hi there Just a quick question. I have been messing around with vectors and lists over the past few days and stumbled upon something that I don't quite underst...
[19 replies] Last: Have you looked at deque? (by seeplus)
C++ program based on how many stars i give?
Hello i currently have a program that makes a downward star pyramid and based on the user input makes rows from it. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[2 replies] Last: also change your prompt. Your output is what would be expected from th... (by seeplus)
Help, want to build an email client and server
Hello everyone, I want to implement a simple mail client and server, So that I could receive email's on my computer (receive only) I want the server to have a...
[2 replies] Last: thanks! (by ronenp88)
trouble removing element of index
This program asked me to be able to add, remove, and display elements of an array. I am having trouble removing the elements in the remove_codes() function. In ...
[4 replies] Last: There is also an issue with add_codes() if it is called more than once... (by seeplus)
by mpg
Encoding c++ of the DHM algorithm
I should do a "free" encoding of the DHM algorithm. Input: Y, p, a, b Output: shared key k I have to code the program in a programming language of choice by st...
[6 replies] Last: This can be tweaked, its a quick starting point, or you can google for... (by jonnin)
functions and email
Q: highlight (or determine)the email address from the string using function. ex: input(from the console) : hgg gcgchj jkvvhc igvjbkn gvjkh ou...
[5 replies] Last: Also: #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #i... (by seeplus)
Can not get file to open!
I am tasked with creating a program that collects data from a text file concerning postage stamps and I cannot seem to open the input file for the life of me. T...
[16 replies] Last: Suggest you change Explorer settings so that it doesn't 'hide' extensi... (by seeplus)
I have an error on totalWeight, but I'm not sure what it is.
Hi, I'm working on an assignment and I have been able to complete most of it. The only problem I am having is the total weight, which should be 26.56, but it ou...
[4 replies] Last: Note that double maxWeight(double steaks , int numSteaks) { int... (by seeplus)
help with Game
Hello guys, I need a help im doing text adventure and i need create inventory by using vectors.I need to create item class than create some gun(polymorphism a...
[1 reply] : class Item; // Forward declaration #include <vector> class Inventor... (by againtry)
by iiii
Hie. I am beginner learner of c++. This code executes the game minewsweeper, but i should make from it the two player game. I have no any ideas. Cpuld u give s...
[2 replies] Last: i should make from it the two player game Easiest way is to run it on... (by againtry)
by lychee
User Input for {x,y}
I want to change Item array[ ]={{x,y}} How do I make Item arr[ ] into a user input? int W; // Weight of knapsack cout << "Please Enter capacity of...
[4 replies] Last: Hello lychee, After rereading everything I think I understand better.... (by Handy Andy)
Writing functions that require a single parameter
Hello, I am not sure if I am even starting this correctly? If anyone could point me in the right direction or even refer a resource that could help me with this...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you all so much, Emailed my teacher 2 days ago... (by Austink95)
Help me with this task, please!
Insert in front of each exclamation mark in the specified line coma. How can I write a command to determine the exclamation mark? And what command can be used...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks for the advice) (by chebyrek)
Convolution and Wav files
Hello guys, I have a big project and a part of it is to convolute two wav files. The problem is that I have no idea how to do it. I don't know how to open the ...
[3 replies] Last: Another .wav file library: CWave - A Simple C++ Class to Manipulate WA... (by George P)
Unable to state function definition in c++ header file.
Write your question here. I am conversant with specifying function declaration (of functions defined in other code files) in header file; as in C. But, seems ca...
[9 replies] Last: @Ganado am redefining my problem: If keep the main() in GraphTest.cpp... (by ajiten73)
by Mif
Modify line in text file without using input line # in "C"
Is there a way to modify a line without requesting the user to input the line number, meaning without using scanf("%d",&lineNr); in code? Example of a tex...
[8 replies] Last: may also write/read in binary mode. > I don't wanna do this on the cu... (by ne555)
C++ synax
I am no expert in C++ and need some help figuring out the expression attached. Am I correct to state that QBluetoothLocalDevice::allDevices(); "method" of obje...
[3 replies] Last: C++ allows 'template' classes which are built during compile time base... (by jonnin)
ADT and Linked List implementation using C++
Can someone give a hand with this one? I already done the framework on this but I don't know where to start. Develop a complete C++ program to assist a lectu...
[1 reply] : What kind of help do you want? If want us to do your homework for you... (by doug4)
November 2020 Pages: 123456... 14
  Archived months: [oct2020] [dec2020]

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