Beginners - November 2020 (Page 10)

I want to create some helpful application and don't know how to do it?
Hi, I want to create a GUI application, using Juce library, and do the following, 1. open new project on visual studio on some target location specified by the...
[9 replies] Last: If I had to guess I'd say Visual Studio chooses the first project conf... (by helios)
Console application froze when something went wrong, but no errors, so I can't pinpoint the problem
For context, I've created a basic "Email Simulator" that you can use to send emails to yourself, read the emails, and delete the emails. I have to use a stack l...
[5 replies] Last: As you're using VS2019, I really recommend that you get to learn the d... (by seeplus)
lads, I need to extract from initial declared arrays n ,p ,g using fgetc();( each character), into the new ones nn . pp and gg , check the code below pls and ...
[3 replies] Last: Why the mixture of C++ code with C file streams?? #include <iostrea... (by seeplus)
How do i solve that !
Well here are the standard containers. Study them and see which you think is best.
[8 replies] Last: and the original post has now been removed.... (by seeplus)
by zygis
Why codeblocks doesnt print out decimal numbers
I need to get an average of numbers? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int n;...
[2 replies] Last: fr << viso << is viso gyventoju gatveje << " "; fr << ??? Th... (by seeplus)
Negative capture of decimal variables
Hello friends I had a question. I wanted to know if the float and double variables, which are decimal, also get negative? Because I saw in a tutorial that floa...
[2 replies] Last: Because I saw in a tutorial that float takes up to 38 decimal places ... (by TheIdeasMan)
How to change the output.
Can I change the output based on user input? (I don't have any code)
[8 replies] Last: Okay, thanks I'll try that! (by AnMTGDude)
Not getting desired Output
Hi, I have an assignment to create a code that tracks the amount of trips that can be taken on a set of tires before they wear out. For now, my input is 8 miles...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you very much, I figured it out due to the information you provi... (by Amnesiax)
Initialising an array with a variable
I know that initialising an array with a variable is typically impossible, but oddly enough I've found a way which sort of makes it work. Here I've written code...
[5 replies] Last: OK, thank you all! (by asteelcup)
How to create a .txt FILE giving the user 4 options of saving it( different local disks C,D,E,F). Many thanks! int main() { FILE *fp; ...
[1 reply] : You need to pass the name entered by the user to the file function. i... (by kbw)
Beginner C++ Question
How would I ask the user to input user name instead of setting it to Dave? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct date { ...
[5 replies] Last: @tetsuuuu It's usually preferable to pass string by ref so that a cop... (by seeplus)
Arrays in a Class
I was given this payroll code without arrays and tasked with converting it to arrays. When it runs, I am able to input the amount of employees and a first name,...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much, it works absolutely perfect now! (by jfreeman54)
by ppnl
Namespace resolution confusion.
I'm a hobbyist programmer self teaching C++. I'm doing ok with the C part but the object oriented part is confusing me. For example I'm currently trying to lear...
[3 replies] Last: Ah!!! You call static functions using the namespace thingy. Somehow I ... (by ppnl)
Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers.
So I have this program that is getting me crazy. Here is what it's asking me to do. The program outputs how many numbers are multiples of 3 and how many numbers...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much coders, everything is A O K! A million thanks :D (by Frank5093)
by DJM34
Wrong Final Grade
I'm trying to complete my assignment in which I have to calculate a students final grade. The code compiles but no matter the grades that I enter the answer is ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you, everyone for replies and help. I used againtry's code as i... (by DJM34)
Help with structure vector pairs
Hello, I am making a pair matching project for school. Right now I'm a little stuck and was seeking help. I've created 100 profiles, 50 males and 50 femal...
[3 replies] Last: FWIW I used the counter for the same reason. I don't know whether you... (by againtry)
by seatea
Problem with reading from file
Hello! I have some troubles reading from a file! The file I want to read looks something like this: Name ID Account Number Account Type Account Balance ...
[4 replies] Last: I got it working! Thanks anyway! (by seatea)
defining a class from a template class inside another class
I have a situation similar to the one described below: there is a template class B that is inheriting from a template class A. I want to create a class type_B w...
[2 replies] Last: Line 17: The return type is missing. Probably void. Line 42: The roun... (by coder777)
The work of if/else if statements and switch is same. Why should we use switch if we can use if/else if better?
[3 replies] Last: switches can be more efficient. They often resolve by the compiler to... (by jonnin)
Function, can't find file
So I'm making a function to replace a module in a project you guys helped me with. My code is below, but when I try to compile it I get this; "/usr/bin/ld: c...
[3 replies] Last: I'm pretty sure the flag you wanted instead of -lab06 is -o lab06 ... (by Albatross)
November 2020 Pages: 1... 89101112... 14
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