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template <class moneyT>/*unspecified*/ get_money (moneyT& mon, bool intl = false);
). Then (if evaluating the sentry object is true
), it calls money_get::get (using the stream's selected locale) to perform both the extraction and the parsing operations, and adjusts the stream's internal state flags accordingly. Finally, it destroys the sentry object before returning.<iomanip>
.long double
or a basic_string instantiation.true
for international representations, false
otherwise.flag | error |
eofbit | The input sequence has no more characters available (end-of-file reached). |
failbit | Either no characters were extracted, or the characters extracted could not be interpreted as a valid monetary value. |
badbit | Error on stream (such as when this function catches an exception thrown by an internal operation). When set, the integrity of the stream may have been affected. |