Windows Programming - October 2011 (Page 7)

PlaySound() function
I am temporarily using the PlaySound Function to play audio during my game. Without using a 3rd party library does windows support pausing and stopping the aud...
[7 replies] Last: Ha? Do something like bass or irrlicht can do with the same amount of ... (by S G H)
OpenCV in win32 SDI/MDI
if you are creating a MDI with multiple controls can you use opencv to display the video or image in one of the child windows inside of the parent window that ...
[1 reply] : Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this. Normally you us... (by new hope)
Switch Statement
I'm building a switch statement where I want to include ranges in the case part. Is this correct? switch (x){ case 1 to 10: z=a; break; case 11 to 20:...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, so this is sort of like using "ping -a". This is a... (by Computergeek01)
Im new to the world of hooking
I've seen a couple of tutorials and I'm still having trouble getting things to work(i guess). What I am trying to do is inject a dll, what I mainly wanted wa...
[3 replies] Last: Just from personal experiance, I learned a ton about code injection ju... (by Computergeek01)
C++ DLL and Excel
hi, I've created DLL to use some functions from QuantLib library in Excel. I've just try something to see how it works and discovered that if I use switch()...
[2 replies] Last: Does anyone know what is the reason that if argument is int then somet... (by f16rocket)
how to print hex number.
how to print hex numbers in c++. i can easily do this in C like this.... int x=255; printf("%X",x); and this will output FF. how to do this in C+...
[2 replies] Last: hi, it is even easier: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using... (by f16rocket)
Buffer Memory Allocation
Here is my code, question to follow: char szNoMem ="Unable to allocate memory. Operation cancelled!"; HWND hBox=GetDlgItem(hPrintWnd, iBox); int iL...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, thanks for clarifying it for me. (by Lamblion)
Another Database Question
MS has MySQL and MySQL Lite. Should I download this to do my database programming? If so, why, generally speaking. Also, they offer a 32-bit and a 64-bit ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks very much blackcoder41! I appreciate that. (by Lamblion)
by fg23
Can't open MP3s with mciSendCommand
I have searched google and MSDN for hours trying to figure this out but it would seem my code is correct as every example I found was pretty much identical to m...
[no replies]
Developed monitoring application window, the message hook the DLL.
I am using to develop an application, but there needs to be applied to the dll technology. So come here to seek help. First I will describe the...
[no replies]
DWORD Problems
I'm geting these errors on this code, andI can;t seem to figure it out. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'tr...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. This fixed it. OLD curTime = ((INT64) &ftN... (by DSTR3A)
by youcan
simulate the effect
I want to simulate the effect presentation(ppt) as: wipe up, wipe left by OpenCV Example: I'm using OpenCV to ima...
[no replies]
by keezer
Issues getting Win32 string type?
I'm playing around with Visual Studio 2008 and C++. I'm trying to get a program to compile, and so far, no go. I created the project as a Win32 Console Ap...
[7 replies] Last: I appreciate the help.. That totally handled the scene. I'll quit be... (by keezer)
by Seshie
My code does not run
Employees are due for promotion and bonuses according ti the following criteria *All employees in ICT, Marketing and Estate Department are due for a bonus. ...
[5 replies] Last: I see the problem here. You've simply overlooked the missing semi-colo... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by fg23
Modifying resources in a dll?
Hello. Say I have a dll with a bunch of bitmap resources in it. How can I replace bitmaps in this file? Does windows provide an API for this? I don't want to ad...
[1 reply] : (by webJose)
how to print hex number.
how to print hex numbers in c++. i can easily do this in C like this.... int x=255; printf("%X",x); and this will output FF. how to do this in C+...
[3 replies] Last: thank you everyone for solving my problem. ;-) (by time to c)
by Phiru
I want to play wav Sound.
Hi, i want to play two of *.wav files. And now, I am using PlaySound(), and StopSound(); It exactly works only if I play one file. But, I played two files, d...
[2 replies] Last: Obviously Windows won't leave you play more than one file at once. Onc... (by S G H)
WinAPI button not appearing
Hey I've read over my code several times but I can't seem to find the problem. My button doesn't appear when I run the program. #include <windows.h> #def...
[4 replies] Last: What about using resources? Ms visual studio has some nice features fo... (by S G H)
need help on ASCII conversion / end of file loops
Ok, I realize that I shouldn't be asking this, and probably will not get any responses, but it is worth a shot! I have my first C++ program due in 4 hours and ...
[7 replies] Last: Its hard to show how to use code tags as they are special formatting s... (by freddie1)
Whats the point of GlobalAlloc()?
Today I found out about a function called GlobalAlloc. I was thinking about it and I couldnt find any way to apply it in a program (probably beacuse I'm still n...
[14 replies] Last: Okay, I stand corrected... and informed. (by Lamblion)
October 2011 Pages: 1... 5678
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