Windows Programming - October 2011 (Page 6)

Creating a game engine?
I was interested in creating a game design engine/editor. The only part I need to know right now is the most important part...I'm not sure how to make it so th...
[11 replies] Last: He obviously doesn't fully understand what a game engine is, how you h... (by Nybble)
EndDialog crash
Hello everybody! I have been searching the answer to this problem for a few days but i couldn't find nothing. The problem it's that when i run the program it cr...
[18 replies] Last: greetings: I am using c and Petzold's Programming Windows to create dy... (by James Bennett)
WIN32 API Pipes
Hey All, I need to see two examples of code. I need to see one example that opens a pipe and write an argv value to the pipe. I need to see one exampl...
[1 reply] : There is a fully working example: (by modoran)
C++ audio library to edit audio files/live audio
I need someone who has links to a good C++ audio library that allows you to edit audio files or live streaming audio from a computer mic. This edited audio nee...
[no replies]
Help With Including Libraries.
Hello, I am trying to use SFML in one of my programs, I downloaded the full SDK off this page: for Code::Blocks. I includ...
[2 replies] Last: libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll Since gcc is the GNU Compiler Collection, this s... (by Moschops)
Message when windows is done disabling Aero (fullscreen app)
Hello. I have an opengl app that goes into fullscreen on boot. After WM_PAINT is called I animated the menu into place. This works perfect in XP on much less...
[no replies]
Windows class
Hey there, I am having some trouble with running my implementation of a Windows class as an object. My program is returning with the error code 1407. After some...
[2 replies] Last: augh, thank you so much. I knew it was something stupid like that. I w... (by neziggy)
by endhck
communication two forms
I want to pass my mainform to the child form with constructor. But when I added the MainForm.h to the childform class, it gives me error. How can I fix it?
[1 reply] : You need to specify the framework you are using and you need to specif... (by webJose)
Printing Issues Straight Win32 API
I have never printed in Win32 API before, before NOW, I should say. I'm using Petzold to learn how to print, and I've already discovered how to circumvent a goo...
[10 replies] Last: Yes, I now see what you mean. I found that without declaring the first... (by Lamblion)
by sseifu
Building Boost on Eclipse in Windows
Hi there, I'm not sure whether this topic really belongs here but I can't find any information on building Boost in Eclipse on Windows. Can anybody tell me h...
[no replies]
Using swapmousebutton true to allow right click dragging of a window
I am required to somehow allow a window to be moved using a right click drag option. I have done this via some sneeky code which I don't really like but it work...
[no replies]
Using the SetWindowsHookEx (hello there!)
The situation: Hello, I've been asked to create a very interesting app that blocks the user from using Windows unless he/she does something on screen. The UI i...
[no replies]
Note: C++ does not support default-int
here is the header file class BookType{ private: string title ; string author ; string publisher ; string edition ; int id ; int counter=0; pu...
[2 replies] Last: thanks in advance it's working (by Abo Ahmed)
by endhck
control the form closing
I have a main form, and it has a button to open a new form. The second form has textboxes and a button. When the user clicked the button, it must be controlle...
[no replies]
Dev C++ won't compile header files
I'm making a basic win api application and it was going fine until I made changes to the input function in the header file. This is the function void ...
[1 reply] : I see you allocating the space on Line 4, reading the data on Line 5 a... (by Computergeek01)
by Kuci
Open file
Hello, I have problem with opening of file choosed via OpenFile Dialog box. Now I wanna open this file for reading/writing, but comilator showes me this error:...
[3 replies] Last: Oh thank's a lot, problem solved (by Kuci)
solve expression tree
Guyx!! m working on an assignment and i have to solve an expression tree . can anyone give me the code how to solve an expression tree.
[2 replies] Last: For Expression tree you must check the postfix and infix notation. che... (by tajendra)
Help about console application [c++]
Hi Guys , I want make a program for check to text and if the a text and b text is same say to me ok and if it's not same say to me no but i've problem ...
[3 replies] Last: my friest source when i test it it say ok you source say no :D jus... (by G3n3Rall)
Using Win32 API ONLY... I'm trying to get a list of all the installed local printers. When I call EnumPrinters() it gives me only one of the priters out of 8...
[1 reply] : Nevermind, I figured it out. I just needed to access the array. (by Lamblion)
Creating C++ Program with GUI
Hello, I have written a Console Application that is pretty complex. Now the person who I am writting it for asked me to make a GUI for it. In my head I thoug...
[2 replies] Last: I have done that... Here is a snippet of my main: struct Tabl... (by smileeFace)
October 2011 Pages: 1... 45678
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