by Jezck
Overriding base class method
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, that is what I see also. Except in the case where the paramet... (by mbozzi)
by NoobCpp1
Access Violation when calling Class Function from WndProc
[6 replies] Last: I previously thought that the WM_MOVE could only happen after the Dis... (by seeplus)
by sarahm
win32 window doesn't resize
[7 replies] Last: LoadIcon and LoadCursor have been deprecated, use LoadImage instead.... (by JohnOfC)
by AnnoyingB
the managed nullptr type cannot be used here.
[11 replies] Last: using _Literal_zero = decltype(nullptr); is giving the error in the ... (by AnnoyingB)
by Geckoo
Sort lists
[9 replies] Last: OP did say "list", though it might not have been deliberate. As ment... (by kigar64551)
by kigar64551
Graphical User Interface Program
[2 replies] Last: Freddie, the OP has gone...this is the remnants of a dead thread. (by The Grey Wolf)
by dodge55
using text string functions in Win32
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the responses. It looks like MultiBytetoWideChar and vice-... (by dodge55)
by dodge55
Using BitBlt
[19 replies] Last: at some point the invalidate rect trick may fail you, if you get into ... (by jonnin)
by volang
Shell commands from c++ without creating a new process every time?
[2 replies] Last: or & system("command1 & command2"); it may be possible to start a hea... (by jonnin)
by Alley
best way to configure / implement .NET web api, docker, mssql server
[1 reply] : I have no idea how to run .NET applications in a Docker container. But... (by kigar64551)
by Satoshi Yoda
Convert string to double
[8 replies] Last: Note that with std::from_chars(), leading white space is not ignored! (by seeplus)
by kigar64551
Performance of memcpy() vs. "direct" memory access
[8 replies] Last: That sounds right. These 'new' instructions are... really nice. (by jonnin)
by dodge55
Callback procedures in Child Windows
[3 replies] Last: Here are some tutorials I've recently posted that would answer your qu... (by freddie1)